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The Process Quotes

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The Process Quotes: "Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this & adopt this definition, success is yours."

Success is about creating benefit for all and enjoying the process. If you focus on this & adopt this definition, success is yours.

The Process Quotes: "All writing is a process of elimination."

All writing is a process of elimination.

The Process Quotes: "The fact that the mind rules the body is, in spite of its neglect by biology and medicine, the most fundamental fact which we know about the process of life."

The fact that the mind rules the body is, in spite of its neglect by biology and medicine, the most fundamental fact which we know about the process of life.

The Process Quotes: "I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn't help the healing process."

I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn't help the healing process.

The Process Quotes: "The creation of the world is not only a process which moves from God to humanity. God demands newness from humanity; God awaits the works of human freedom."

The creation of the world is not only a process which moves from God to humanity. God demands newness from humanity; God awaits the works of human freedom.

The Process Quotes: "I just really enjoy the process of working with other talented, creative people. There's great power in bringing diverse points of view together. It can be incredibly stimulating."

I just really enjoy the process of working with other talented, creative people. There's great power in bringing diverse points of view together. It can be incredibly stimulating.

The Process Quotes: "Patience is being at peace with the process of life"

Patience is being at peace with the process of life

The Process Quotes: "It is the mark of the mind untrained to take its own processes as valid for all men, and its own judgments for absolute truth."

It is the mark of the mind untrained to take its own processes as valid for all men, and its own judgments for absolute truth.

The Process Quotes: "I am a total believer of making the process a good time - make it memorable, have some fun, try to shoot high in your quality and then dont get crazy, see what happens."

I am a total believer of making the process a good time - make it memorable, have some fun, try to shoot high in your quality and then dont get crazy, see what happens.

The Process Quotes: "Failure is sometimes the best option if you view the process of entrepreneurship as a lifelong journey."

Failure is sometimes the best option if you view the process of entrepreneurship as a lifelong journey.

The Process Quotes: "This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me."

This tremendous world I have inside of me. How to free myself, and this world, without tearing myself to pieces. And rather tear myself to a thousand pieces than be buried with this world within me.

The Process Quotes: "Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process."

Editing feels almost like sculpting or a form of continuing the writing process.

The Process Quotes: "What I love most about fatherhood is the opportunity to be a part of the development process of a new life."

What I love most about fatherhood is the opportunity to be a part of the development process of a new life.

The Process Quotes: "Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now."

Changing the world begins with the very personal process of changing yourself, the only place you can begin is where you are, and the only time you can begin is always now.

The Process Quotes: "Thought is more important than art....To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it into existence, is finally not even to understand what art is."

Thought is more important than art....To revere art and have no understanding of the process that forces it into existence, is finally not even to understand what art is.

The Process Quotes: "Enter the writing process with a childlike sense of wonder and discovery. Let it surprise you."

Enter the writing process with a childlike sense of wonder and discovery. Let it surprise you.

The Process Quotes: "Culture' is a finite segment of the meaningless infinity of the world process, a segment on which human beings confer meaning and significance."

Culture' is a finite segment of the meaningless infinity of the world process, a segment on which human beings confer meaning and significance.

The Process Quotes: "It seems that we learn lessons when we least expect them but always when we need them the most, and, the true gift in these lessons always lies in the learning process itself."

It seems that we learn lessons when we least expect them but always when we need them the most, and, the true gift in these lessons always lies in the learning process itself.

The Process Quotes: "Mistakes are the necessary steps in the learning process; once they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten and not repeated."

Mistakes are the necessary steps in the learning process; once they have served their purpose, they should be forgotten and not repeated.

The Process Quotes: "Excellence is not an accomplishment. It is a spirit, a never-ending process."

Excellence is not an accomplishment. It is a spirit, a never-ending process.

The Process Quotes: "[There are] unseen objects that await us, if we as architects begin to think about designing not the object, but a process to generate objects."

[There are] unseen objects that await us, if we as architects begin to think about designing not the object, but a process to generate objects.

The Process Quotes: "Getting older is a struggle. I always feel that just under the surface of acceptance and enjoyment of the ageing process is a terrible hysteria just waiting to burst out."

Getting older is a struggle. I always feel that just under the surface of acceptance and enjoyment of the ageing process is a terrible hysteria just waiting to burst out.

The Process Quotes: "Perfection is not a destination; it's a never-ending process...Enjoy!"

Perfection is not a destination; it's a never-ending process...Enjoy!

The Process Quotes: "Leaders are creators. They bring their visions to fruitition through the creative process."

Leaders are creators. They bring their visions to fruitition through the creative process.

The Process Quotes: "The person who loves the process has a much greater chance of success than the person who loves the outcome."

The person who loves the process has a much greater chance of success than the person who loves the outcome.

The Process Quotes: "It's amazing how the same pace in practice can feel so much harder than on race day. Stay confident. Trust the process."

It's amazing how the same pace in practice can feel so much harder than on race day. Stay confident. Trust the process.

The Process Quotes: "Play is the state of mind that we can use in our creative process to our advantage."

Play is the state of mind that we can use in our creative process to our advantage.

The Process Quotes: "Nothing creates more self-respect among employees than being included in the process of making decisions."

Nothing creates more self-respect among employees than being included in the process of making decisions.

The Process Quotes: "When we assist Him in His mission of saving souls, we too will be rescued in the process."

When we assist Him in His mission of saving souls, we too will be rescued in the process.

The Process Quotes: "A story can take you through a whole process of searching, seeking, confronting, through conflicts, and then to a resolution. As the storyteller and the listener, we go through a story together."

A story can take you through a whole process of searching, seeking, confronting, through conflicts, and then to a resolution. As the storyteller and the listener, we go through a story together.

The Process Quotes: "Ignore the scale, and make the process your goal."

Ignore the scale, and make the process your goal.

The Process Quotes: "It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men."

It is in the process of being worshipped that God communicates His presence to men.

The Process Quotes: "Filmmaking is a huge privilege; it's not brain surgery. It's art, and art is supposed to be an enjoyable process, and it is an enjoyable experience for me."

Filmmaking is a huge privilege; it's not brain surgery. It's art, and art is supposed to be an enjoyable process, and it is an enjoyable experience for me.

The Process Quotes: "It's time for somebody to lead all of America's niggers . . all the people who feel left out of the political process."

It's time for somebody to lead all of America's niggers . . all the people who feel left out of the political process.

The Process Quotes: "I think illness is a family journey, no matter what the outcome. Everybody has to be allowed to process it and mourn and deal with it in their own way."

I think illness is a family journey, no matter what the outcome. Everybody has to be allowed to process it and mourn and deal with it in their own way.

The Process Quotes: "I love the stage, I love the process of acting in theatre, but unfortunately, it doesn't pay the bills."

I love the stage, I love the process of acting in theatre, but unfortunately, it doesn't pay the bills.

The Process Quotes: "The truth can set us free, but only if we're always in the process of discovering it."

The truth can set us free, but only if we're always in the process of discovering it.

The Process Quotes: "I fell in love with the process of taking pictures, with wandering around finding things. To me it feels like a kind of performance. The picture is a document of that performance."

I fell in love with the process of taking pictures, with wandering around finding things. To me it feels like a kind of performance. The picture is a document of that performance.

The Process Quotes: "The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off; it's with you all the time."

The creative process is not controlled by a switch you can simply turn on or off; it's with you all the time.

The Process Quotes: "Today's society wants to skip the process. And I hate that"

Today's society wants to skip the process. And I hate that

The Process Quotes: "Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us."

Planning is a process of choosing among those many options. If we do not choose to plan, then we choose to have others plan for us.

The Process Quotes: "Testing a product is a learning process"

Testing a product is a learning process

The Process Quotes: "As our own species is in the process of proving, one cannot have superior science and inferior morals. The combination is unstable and self-destroying."

As our own species is in the process of proving, one cannot have superior science and inferior morals. The combination is unstable and self-destroying.

The Process Quotes: "To me the recognition of the audience is part of the filmmaking process. When you make a movie, it's for them."

To me the recognition of the audience is part of the filmmaking process. When you make a movie, it's for them.

The Process Quotes: "The most important thing an artist can discover is a love of process."

The most important thing an artist can discover is a love of process.

The Process Quotes: "Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it's a process. It's often not cool to be the person who puts themselves out there."

Becoming yourself is really hard and confusing, and it's a process. It's often not cool to be the person who puts themselves out there.

The Process Quotes: "There are different kinds and degrees of love, and they change over time, ripening and deepening and changing us in the process."

There are different kinds and degrees of love, and they change over time, ripening and deepening and changing us in the process.

The Process Quotes: "Education is an imprecise process, a dance, and a collaborative experience."

Education is an imprecise process, a dance, and a collaborative experience.