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The State Quotes

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The State Quotes: "Here beyond men's judgments all covenants were brittle."

Here beyond men's judgments all covenants were brittle.

The State Quotes: "Our perception of space-time can be thought of in terms of event coordinates relative to our current state of consciousness."

Our perception of space-time can be thought of in terms of event coordinates relative to our current state of consciousness.

The State Quotes: "Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home."

Paradise is a state of being, more than just the name of a suburb or a home.

The State Quotes: "Lost, so small amid that dark, hands grown cold, body image fading down corridors of television sky."

Lost, so small amid that dark, hands grown cold, body image fading down corridors of television sky.

The State Quotes: "The hallmark of an authoritarian idiot is yelling TERRORIST-LOVER! at anyone questioning the definition of Terrorist."

The hallmark of an authoritarian idiot is yelling TERRORIST-LOVER! at anyone questioning the definition of Terrorist.

The State Quotes: "The most frightening interview I've ever done was with Dr. Lonnie Thompson of The Ohio State University on the subject of global warming."

The most frightening interview I've ever done was with Dr. Lonnie Thompson of The Ohio State University on the subject of global warming.

The State Quotes: "The Ohio State University has a rich - if quiet - heritage of the arts."

The Ohio State University has a rich - if quiet - heritage of the arts.

The State Quotes: "I think church and state should remain entirely separate at all costs, and that the decision of religious marriage should be of each faith to debate and decide free of political influence."

I think church and state should remain entirely separate at all costs, and that the decision of religious marriage should be of each faith to debate and decide free of political influence.

The State Quotes: "I think the Internet has a way of coaching you into this state of mind where you think that every step you make needs to completely supersede the last."

I think the Internet has a way of coaching you into this state of mind where you think that every step you make needs to completely supersede the last.

The State Quotes: "Usually, it is not my habit to address religious issues on the floor. I strongly believe in a person's right to religious freedom, as well as the separation of church and state."

Usually, it is not my habit to address religious issues on the floor. I strongly believe in a person's right to religious freedom, as well as the separation of church and state.

The State Quotes: "There are so many different ways, most of them helpful and legal, to get yourself into a state of mind where writing is possible. It's going to be different for each person."

There are so many different ways, most of them helpful and legal, to get yourself into a state of mind where writing is possible. It's going to be different for each person.

The State Quotes: "I'm a firm believer in slowing down to improve my state of mind when I'm training, and yoga and meditation have been paramount to my success in this way."

I'm a firm believer in slowing down to improve my state of mind when I'm training, and yoga and meditation have been paramount to my success in this way.

The State Quotes: "IMPENITENCE, n. A state of mind intermediate in point of time between sin and punishment."

IMPENITENCE, n. A state of mind intermediate in point of time between sin and punishment.

The State Quotes: "Shorter daylight hours can affect sleep, productivity and state of mind. Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, may help. It uses light boxes emitting full-spectrum light to simulate sunlight."

Shorter daylight hours can affect sleep, productivity and state of mind. Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, may help. It uses light boxes emitting full-spectrum light to simulate sunlight.

The State Quotes: "the separation of church and state grew out of a desire, not so much to protect government from religion, but to protect religion from government."

the separation of church and state grew out of a desire, not so much to protect government from religion, but to protect religion from government.

The State Quotes: "When Pat Robertson says there is no constitutional doctrine of separation of church and state, I say he is wrong."

When Pat Robertson says there is no constitutional doctrine of separation of church and state, I say he is wrong.

The State Quotes: "I suppose home is, for me, more of a state of mind. It's really more of about being where I want to be with people I care about."

I suppose home is, for me, more of a state of mind. It's really more of about being where I want to be with people I care about.

The State Quotes: "Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state."

Alongside my own deep personal faith, I am a follower, as well, of our civic religion. I am a big believer in the separation of church and state.

The State Quotes: "I think leadership is creating a state of mind in others."

I think leadership is creating a state of mind in others.

The State Quotes: "Failing is not real, it's an optional state of mind."

Failing is not real, it's an optional state of mind.

The State Quotes: "Hollywood, America's greatest modern contribution to world culture, is a business, a religion, an art form, and a state of mind."

Hollywood, America's greatest modern contribution to world culture, is a business, a religion, an art form, and a state of mind.

The State Quotes: "My favorite definition of success is that it is a state of mind combined with a state of readiness. You can have one and be a flop; if you have both, you'll win every time."

My favorite definition of success is that it is a state of mind combined with a state of readiness. You can have one and be a flop; if you have both, you'll win every time.

The State Quotes: "I think you can really gauge my state of mind by listening to my albums."

I think you can really gauge my state of mind by listening to my albums.

The State Quotes: "You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?"

You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the First Amendment?

The State Quotes: "Happiness is a state of mind. With physical comforts if your mind is still in a state of confusion and agitation, it is not happiness. Happiness means calmness of mind."

Happiness is a state of mind. With physical comforts if your mind is still in a state of confusion and agitation, it is not happiness. Happiness means calmness of mind.

The State Quotes: "A Compassionate state of mind brings inner peace, and therefore a healthier body."

A Compassionate state of mind brings inner peace, and therefore a healthier body.

The State Quotes: "It is not always possible to know, when you make a note of an event, or a state of mind, how this may strike someone perhaps ten thousand years later."

It is not always possible to know, when you make a note of an event, or a state of mind, how this may strike someone perhaps ten thousand years later.

The State Quotes: "Voluntary simplicity has more to do with the state of mind than a person's physical surroundings and possessions."

Voluntary simplicity has more to do with the state of mind than a person's physical surroundings and possessions.

The State Quotes: "The way one sees is also dependent upon one's emotional state of mind. This is why a motif can be looked at in so many ways, and this is what makes art so interesting."

The way one sees is also dependent upon one's emotional state of mind. This is why a motif can be looked at in so many ways, and this is what makes art so interesting.

The State Quotes: "Chastity is more a state of mind than of anatomy."

Chastity is more a state of mind than of anatomy.

The State Quotes: "Separation of church and state cannot mean an absolute separation between moral principles and political power."

Separation of church and state cannot mean an absolute separation between moral principles and political power.

The State Quotes: "Motherhood isn't just a series of contractions; it's a state of mind. From the moment we know life is inside us, we feel a responsibility to protect and defend that human being."

Motherhood isn't just a series of contractions; it's a state of mind. From the moment we know life is inside us, we feel a responsibility to protect and defend that human being.

The State Quotes: "Meditation really helps create not only a sense of balance... but serenity and kind of a calm state of mind."

Meditation really helps create not only a sense of balance... but serenity and kind of a calm state of mind.

The State Quotes: "Give to each emotion a personality, to each state of mind a soul."

Give to each emotion a personality, to each state of mind a soul.

The State Quotes: "This no longer a state of mind it's a reality, this is the beginning of an opportunity that hasn't presented itself in Collin County or any other county in the country."

This no longer a state of mind it's a reality, this is the beginning of an opportunity that hasn't presented itself in Collin County or any other county in the country.

The State Quotes: "If I might control the literature of the household, I would guarantee the well-being of Church and State."

If I might control the literature of the household, I would guarantee the well-being of Church and State.

The State Quotes: "It is a miserable state of mind to have few things to desire and many things to fear."

It is a miserable state of mind to have few things to desire and many things to fear.

The State Quotes: "If someone is in the same state of mind and doesn't seek to block your success, you have a friend. Such friends are rare, and if you find such a friend, value them."

If someone is in the same state of mind and doesn't seek to block your success, you have a friend. Such friends are rare, and if you find such a friend, value them.

The State Quotes: "You can get stuck in being wise. You can get stuck in having a developed will. It is very hard to get stuck in being happy. It is too lucid a state of mind."

You can get stuck in being wise. You can get stuck in having a developed will. It is very hard to get stuck in being happy. It is too lucid a state of mind.

The State Quotes: "We don't always walk from one state of mind into another. We might just oscillate back and forth for a whole lifetime within the polarities of a certain state of mind."

We don't always walk from one state of mind into another. We might just oscillate back and forth for a whole lifetime within the polarities of a certain state of mind.

The State Quotes: "The study of Buddhism is essentially the study of modification, how we modify the state of mind we're in, how we modify the realm we're in."

The study of Buddhism is essentially the study of modification, how we modify the state of mind we're in, how we modify the realm we're in.

The State Quotes: "Opportunities, creative ideas or the lack of them, happiness, frustration, brilliance, talent, success and failure - all are determined by the state of mind that you're in."

Opportunities, creative ideas or the lack of them, happiness, frustration, brilliance, talent, success and failure - all are determined by the state of mind that you're in.

The State Quotes: "In advanced Zen a person comes to realize that the existence of things and their ability to perceive them correctly is completely dependent upon their state of mind."

In advanced Zen a person comes to realize that the existence of things and their ability to perceive them correctly is completely dependent upon their state of mind.

The State Quotes: "From the highest state of mind you have a window whereby you could perhaps move beyond all states of mind, to enlightenment."

From the highest state of mind you have a window whereby you could perhaps move beyond all states of mind, to enlightenment.

The State Quotes: "You can only conceive of what lies beyond the state of mind you are in from the point of view of the state of mind you are in."

You can only conceive of what lies beyond the state of mind you are in from the point of view of the state of mind you are in.

The State Quotes: "I've moved a lot of my students into a high state of mind, but they don't do the things I have shown them how to do. So then, they drop down into a lower stage of attention."

I've moved a lot of my students into a high state of mind, but they don't do the things I have shown them how to do. So then, they drop down into a lower stage of attention.

The State Quotes: "The ideas that we have about self are an aggregate within a state of mind, and they chain us to a state of mind."

The ideas that we have about self are an aggregate within a state of mind, and they chain us to a state of mind.

The State Quotes: "It doesn't really matter what you do. It is your state of mind that matters."

It doesn't really matter what you do. It is your state of mind that matters.

The State Quotes: "One person will eat meat and it will lower their attention field. Another person won't even be affected by it because they're not in the state of mind whereby they'll be affected by it."

One person will eat meat and it will lower their attention field. Another person won't even be affected by it because they're not in the state of mind whereby they'll be affected by it.