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The Writing Process Quotes

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The Writing Process Quotes: "...I know Shakespeare said art is holding up a mirror to nature- but you're actually bending and refracting it through your interior dialogue ..."

...I know Shakespeare said art is holding up a mirror to nature- but you're actually bending and refracting it through your interior dialogue ...

The Writing Process Quotes: "...there is a myth called objective reality - we think an impersonal world exists apart from us - it doesn't - it needs us to be ..."

...there is a myth called objective reality - we think an impersonal world exists apart from us - it doesn't - it needs us to be ...

The Writing Process Quotes: "I do not distinguish between the construction of a book and that of a painting and I always proceed from the simple to the complex." - 1946"

I do not distinguish between the construction of a book and that of a painting and I always proceed from the simple to the complex." - 1946

The Writing Process Quotes: "...I make no apology about stirring the depths - every human longs to swim under water and see what lurks beneath ..."

...I make no apology about stirring the depths - every human longs to swim under water and see what lurks beneath ...

The Writing Process Quotes: "A writer has no use for the clock. A writer lives in an infinity of days, time without end, ploughed under."

A writer has no use for the clock. A writer lives in an infinity of days, time without end, ploughed under.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Many a good story has been found in the bottom of a decent Rioja."

Many a good story has been found in the bottom of a decent Rioja.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Want to be a writer? take a good book a good pen and a notepad to bed with you every night of your life."

Want to be a writer? take a good book a good pen and a notepad to bed with you every night of your life.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I'm really just playing when I write. I feel like I'm a kid again. I want my characters to do and say things like when I played with dolls!"

I'm really just playing when I write. I feel like I'm a kid again. I want my characters to do and say things like when I played with dolls!

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing, is not a race. Is to distill the soul letter by letter in a slow and delicate process that will take years."

Writing, is not a race. Is to distill the soul letter by letter in a slow and delicate process that will take years.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Books most certainly don't write themselves, but life does. When in doubt about what to write, use your own life."

Books most certainly don't write themselves, but life does. When in doubt about what to write, use your own life.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I am a perfectionist in spirit"

I am a perfectionist in spirit

The Writing Process Quotes: "Don’t have the veins bulging in your biro."

Don’t have the veins bulging in your biro.

The Writing Process Quotes: "On the worst day of writing, the work is instructive. On the best day, the act is transcendent."

On the worst day of writing, the work is instructive. On the best day, the act is transcendent.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is like gardening. Planting, watering, and weeding are not enough. You have to prune if you want growth."

Writing is like gardening. Planting, watering, and weeding are not enough. You have to prune if you want growth.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I suppose that I did for myself what psychoanalysts do for their patients. I expressed some very long felt and deeply felt emotion. And in expressing it I explained it and then laid it to rest."

I suppose that I did for myself what psychoanalysts do for their patients. I expressed some very long felt and deeply felt emotion. And in expressing it I explained it and then laid it to rest.

The Writing Process Quotes: "When I sleep tonight I dream of what I will imagine tomorrow."

When I sleep tonight I dream of what I will imagine tomorrow.

The Writing Process Quotes: "What one gains in technique can lead to deforestation in the writing that is both good and bad. Keep the energy and the willingness to proceed stupidly."

What one gains in technique can lead to deforestation in the writing that is both good and bad. Keep the energy and the willingness to proceed stupidly.

The Writing Process Quotes: "You don't teach a person how to write as much as you teach that person how to survive the writing process."

You don't teach a person how to write as much as you teach that person how to survive the writing process.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writers know all the good reasons for subjecting their work to a sharp trim. Early drafts are notorious for repetition, indirection and overdevelopment of the trivial."

Writers know all the good reasons for subjecting their work to a sharp trim. Early drafts are notorious for repetition, indirection and overdevelopment of the trivial.

The Writing Process Quotes: "People wonder why you choose certain subjects to write about. The truth is: you don't really. They choose you"

People wonder why you choose certain subjects to write about. The truth is: you don't really. They choose you

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is like making love, editing is like giving your great grandfather a sponge bath."

Writing is like making love, editing is like giving your great grandfather a sponge bath.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Rather than feeling that every moment you’ve got to exert this enormous control, you can take the attitude that your job as a writer is not to control everything, but to set things in motion."

Rather than feeling that every moment you’ve got to exert this enormous control, you can take the attitude that your job as a writer is not to control everything, but to set things in motion.

The Writing Process Quotes: "The farther away you get from the literary traffic, the closer you are to sources."

The farther away you get from the literary traffic, the closer you are to sources.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Briefer is better, so learn to write tight"

Briefer is better, so learn to write tight

The Writing Process Quotes: "Do what you love..."

Do what you love...

The Writing Process Quotes: "I only write when the spirit moves me ... and the spirit moves me every day. William Faulkner, Oxford, Mississippi"

I only write when the spirit moves me ... and the spirit moves me every day. William Faulkner, Oxford, Mississippi

The Writing Process Quotes: "And now, I have another good reason to speed up my baby narratives to make my author's profile appear more respectable."

And now, I have another good reason to speed up my baby narratives to make my author's profile appear more respectable.

The Writing Process Quotes: "There are three difficulties in authorship: – to write anything worth publishing - to find honest men to publish it - and to get sensible men to read it. — Caleb C. Colton [1780-1832]"

There are three difficulties in authorship: – to write anything worth publishing - to find honest men to publish it - and to get sensible men to read it. — Caleb C. Colton [1780-1832]

The Writing Process Quotes: "In the last analysis, most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us."

In the last analysis, most of our difficulties come from losing contact with our instincts, with the age-old forgotten wisdom stored up in us.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Developing your voice takes... time and practice."

Developing your voice takes... time and practice.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is hard work. Attempting to write a decent story is friggin exhausting!"

Writing is hard work. Attempting to write a decent story is friggin exhausting!

The Writing Process Quotes: "Begin at the beginning as you understood it, proceed through the middle, continue to the end, and then stop, " said Master Li, and he sauntered out to get drunk...."

Begin at the beginning as you understood it, proceed through the middle, continue to the end, and then stop, " said Master Li, and he sauntered out to get drunk....

The Writing Process Quotes: "When you know what you want to communicate, ask yourself: Who is my audience and what does he know about the subject?"

When you know what you want to communicate, ask yourself: Who is my audience and what does he know about the subject?

The Writing Process Quotes: "It was a dark and stormy night. . .perfect for staying indoors and writing a novel!"

It was a dark and stormy night. . .perfect for staying indoors and writing a novel!

The Writing Process Quotes: "They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but with me it always ends up being well over a hundred thousand."

They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but with me it always ends up being well over a hundred thousand.

The Writing Process Quotes: "It’s amazing how my mind opens up right when I have to run on the treadmill. I’ve finished three chapters rather than run a mile."

It’s amazing how my mind opens up right when I have to run on the treadmill. I’ve finished three chapters rather than run a mile.

The Writing Process Quotes: "You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters."

You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters.

The Writing Process Quotes: "You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters."~Tanela Hicks"

You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters."~Tanela Hicks

The Writing Process Quotes: "You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters.~Tanela Hicks"

You haven't seen yourself until you look through the eyes of your characters.~Tanela Hicks

The Writing Process Quotes: "Today I will find something beautiful.Delicate pink blossoms on a cherry tree.The dove resting near the lemon buds.Sunbeams smiling from sky to earth.Smiling on me."Creating" in BREATHE IN"

Today I will find something beautiful.Delicate pink blossoms on a cherry tree.The dove resting near the lemon buds.Sunbeams smiling from sky to earth.Smiling on me."Creating" in BREATHE IN

The Writing Process Quotes: "I write the sacred words from wondering."

I write the sacred words from wondering.

The Writing Process Quotes: "With poetry and writing, the question isn’t “do you know the right words?”.The real question is, “can you make words from the unwordable, chisel blocks of raw silence into shapes and touch our souls?"

With poetry and writing, the question isn’t “do you know the right words?”.The real question is, “can you make words from the unwordable, chisel blocks of raw silence into shapes and touch our souls?

The Writing Process Quotes: "Whenever I feel sad, I just take out my phone and listen to her laughter recorded in my online messenger."

Whenever I feel sad, I just take out my phone and listen to her laughter recorded in my online messenger.

The Writing Process Quotes: "We write to embrace the sacred thoughts."

We write to embrace the sacred thoughts.

The Writing Process Quotes: "...it's not the medium that's the message - it's consciousness - the wonder of being able to wonder ..."

...it's not the medium that's the message - it's consciousness - the wonder of being able to wonder ...

The Writing Process Quotes: "The irony of a writer is he/she craves privacy to pen words that crave the public."

The irony of a writer is he/she craves privacy to pen words that crave the public.

The Writing Process Quotes: "...when you're a writer, you become deeper and more uniquely distinct, the more you go inside yourself..."

...when you're a writer, you become deeper and more uniquely distinct, the more you go inside yourself...

The Writing Process Quotes: "We’re making strange fictions of strange things inside ourselves."

We’re making strange fictions of strange things inside ourselves.