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The Writing Process Quotes

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The Writing Process Quotes: "Fruition-Think of writing as a harvest.You till the ground.Plant.Water.Wait.Apple trees take years to bear fruit.Harvest.Clean.Process.Then you have apple pie."

Fruition-Think of writing as a harvest.You till the ground.Plant.Water.Wait.Apple trees take years to bear fruit.Harvest.Clean.Process.Then you have apple pie.

The Writing Process Quotes: "When a solid first draft of an original tale is complete...you feel as if you could do anything."

When a solid first draft of an original tale is complete...you feel as if you could do anything.

The Writing Process Quotes: "A writer writes. There are no exceptions to this reality. No excuses. Stop wasting time talking about your stories and get them on paper."

A writer writes. There are no exceptions to this reality. No excuses. Stop wasting time talking about your stories and get them on paper.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Storytelling creates a healing serum. The thematic unguent of our personal story represents a fusion of the ineffable truths that each of us must discover within ourselves."

Storytelling creates a healing serum. The thematic unguent of our personal story represents a fusion of the ineffable truths that each of us must discover within ourselves.

The Writing Process Quotes: "It wont do to say that the reader is too dumb or too lazy to keep pace with the train of thought. If the reader is lost, it's usually because the writer hasn't be careful enough."

It wont do to say that the reader is too dumb or too lazy to keep pace with the train of thought. If the reader is lost, it's usually because the writer hasn't be careful enough.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is more about telling other peoples' stories than your own"

Writing is more about telling other peoples' stories than your own

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing at its best is simply taking dictation from your soul."

Writing at its best is simply taking dictation from your soul.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is one means to investigate the mystique of life. Each fresh page is an unsullied canvas that an inquisitive writer employs to explore the poetic transience behind their existence."

Writing is one means to investigate the mystique of life. Each fresh page is an unsullied canvas that an inquisitive writer employs to explore the poetic transience behind their existence.

The Writing Process Quotes: "As a writer, the main skill you need is curiosity. As a reader, the main tool you need is open-mindedness."

As a writer, the main skill you need is curiosity. As a reader, the main tool you need is open-mindedness.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Time to turn some phrases and place them on these here pages."

Time to turn some phrases and place them on these here pages.

The Writing Process Quotes: "The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium."

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium.

The Writing Process Quotes: "A writing day is like any other day. Except I live in my pajamas, I forget to eat, and I suddenly look up, wondering when day turned into night."

A writing day is like any other day. Except I live in my pajamas, I forget to eat, and I suddenly look up, wondering when day turned into night.

The Writing Process Quotes: "My best writing happens when I’m fighting to produce it."

My best writing happens when I’m fighting to produce it.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I just slept for fifteen hours straight. Yes, writing a musical is THAT exhausting!"

I just slept for fifteen hours straight. Yes, writing a musical is THAT exhausting!

The Writing Process Quotes: "Because. Everything worth anything takes time."

Because. Everything worth anything takes time.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Live inside your stories, yes, but do not hide behind them."

Live inside your stories, yes, but do not hide behind them.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Your writing should be filled with simple complexities and complex simplicities. Because that is life."

Your writing should be filled with simple complexities and complex simplicities. Because that is life.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I like to think I’ve written something worth reading when I cry the tears of the characters."

I like to think I’ve written something worth reading when I cry the tears of the characters.

The Writing Process Quotes: "The skill of writing needs much patience, practicing, and time. There is no good writing from a quick effort, or a confused writer."

The skill of writing needs much patience, practicing, and time. There is no good writing from a quick effort, or a confused writer.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Write what you wish with your soul and your heart will fill the page with your unique magic."

Write what you wish with your soul and your heart will fill the page with your unique magic.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I believe that fiction with its untrammelled nature, speaks to no one, and by so doing, speaks to all."

I believe that fiction with its untrammelled nature, speaks to no one, and by so doing, speaks to all.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Getting started on writing a book isn't as hard as it sounds. You don't need a plan and an outline. In fact, all you need are two things: time and one idea."

Getting started on writing a book isn't as hard as it sounds. You don't need a plan and an outline. In fact, all you need are two things: time and one idea.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing as a creative art flourishes only when there are no rules. Rules stifle you from entering the silent and forbidden spaces where the core of the story is waiting to be revealed."

Writing as a creative art flourishes only when there are no rules. Rules stifle you from entering the silent and forbidden spaces where the core of the story is waiting to be revealed.

The Writing Process Quotes: "...at seventeen I tried to write poetry confining myself solely to Anglo-Saxon words - don't know if it helped, but it made me more concrete ..."

...at seventeen I tried to write poetry confining myself solely to Anglo-Saxon words - don't know if it helped, but it made me more concrete ...

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing creatively is a process of self-consumption that requires one to dive deeply inside of oneself with no guarantee of reemergence."

Writing creatively is a process of self-consumption that requires one to dive deeply inside of oneself with no guarantee of reemergence.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Forget ideas, Mr. Author. What kind of pen do you use?"

Forget ideas, Mr. Author. What kind of pen do you use?

The Writing Process Quotes: "You can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page."

You can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Collaborating on a film script involves two people sitting in a room separated by the silence of two minds working together."

Collaborating on a film script involves two people sitting in a room separated by the silence of two minds working together.

The Writing Process Quotes: "So it is that a writer writes many books. In each book, he intended several urgent and vivid points, many of which he sacrificed as the book's form hardened."

So it is that a writer writes many books. In each book, he intended several urgent and vivid points, many of which he sacrificed as the book's form hardened.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Humility is an essential quality in writers who want to write well."

Humility is an essential quality in writers who want to write well.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Sometimes we don't know where we are going until we get there."

Sometimes we don't know where we are going until we get there.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Don’t ever let yourself surrender to writer’s block."

Don’t ever let yourself surrender to writer’s block.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Experience is the catalyst for all great stories."

Experience is the catalyst for all great stories.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I grasp words for the sake of clutching My mind considers them heart touchingRight then I write for my reader's pleasureNot knowing what distance a soul can measure"

I grasp words for the sake of clutching My mind considers them heart touchingRight then I write for my reader's pleasureNot knowing what distance a soul can measure

The Writing Process Quotes: "It's all mine, it's all sacred."

It's all mine, it's all sacred.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I’ve had a fountain pen surgically implanted in my left index finger to save trouble. My body is tattooed with line upon line of truth, fiction, and a not-always-pleasing mix of the two."

I’ve had a fountain pen surgically implanted in my left index finger to save trouble. My body is tattooed with line upon line of truth, fiction, and a not-always-pleasing mix of the two.

The Writing Process Quotes: "When I pour a bowl of Uncle Sam’s cereal, I never know if I should stand when I eat, salute it first, or simply hum the Star Spangled Banner between mouthfuls."

When I pour a bowl of Uncle Sam’s cereal, I never know if I should stand when I eat, salute it first, or simply hum the Star Spangled Banner between mouthfuls.

The Writing Process Quotes: "As Borges has taught us, all the books in the library are contemporary. Great poems are like granaries: they are always ready to enlarge their store."

As Borges has taught us, all the books in the library are contemporary. Great poems are like granaries: they are always ready to enlarge their store.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Distraction is reading written word and when I seek to make distraction I write the words I wish to be enveloped in."

Distraction is reading written word and when I seek to make distraction I write the words I wish to be enveloped in.

The Writing Process Quotes: "In a suspended psychic state, writers cull words and symbols from the mystical world of memory, imagination, and intuition."

In a suspended psychic state, writers cull words and symbols from the mystical world of memory, imagination, and intuition.

The Writing Process Quotes: "I wish my brain had an off switch. Maybe that way I could get some sleep."

I wish my brain had an off switch. Maybe that way I could get some sleep.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Inspiration for my short stories grows from a psychic kernel, a vision of some sort or an eccentric, colorful dream."

Inspiration for my short stories grows from a psychic kernel, a vision of some sort or an eccentric, colorful dream.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Most people assume I write at night because of the kind of books I write, but I can shut out the light with my mind."

Most people assume I write at night because of the kind of books I write, but I can shut out the light with my mind.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writing is like daydreaming through your fingers."

Writing is like daydreaming through your fingers.

The Writing Process Quotes: "Writers are always alone, even in a room bursting with noises of the familiar."

Writers are always alone, even in a room bursting with noises of the familiar.

The Writing Process Quotes: "If you have a story inside you but don't know where to start, look within and write from the heart, for the heart will never steer you wrong."

If you have a story inside you but don't know where to start, look within and write from the heart, for the heart will never steer you wrong.

The Writing Process Quotes: "What is it about us lady authors and our fascination for the exclamation mark?"

What is it about us lady authors and our fascination for the exclamation mark?

The Writing Process Quotes: "I am swimming in a sea of words, attempting to keep my head above water."

I am swimming in a sea of words, attempting to keep my head above water.