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Theology Quotes

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Theology Quotes: "We have to determine our theology from the Word of God, not from what we feel."

We have to determine our theology from the Word of God, not from what we feel.

Theology Quotes: "Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible."

Take your Bible and take your newspaper, and read both. But interpret newspapers from your Bible.

Theology Quotes: "I am convinced of the afterlife, independent of theology. If the world is rationally constructed, there must be an afterlife"

I am convinced of the afterlife, independent of theology. If the world is rationally constructed, there must be an afterlife

Theology Quotes: "The closer you get to the truth, the clearer becomes the beauty, and the more you will find worship welling up within you. That's why theology and worship belong together."

The closer you get to the truth, the clearer becomes the beauty, and the more you will find worship welling up within you. That's why theology and worship belong together.

Theology Quotes: "The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning."

The function of law and theology are the same: to keep the poor from taking back by violence what the rich have stolen by cunning.

Theology Quotes: "If there is no friendship with them [the poor] and no sharing of the life of the poor, then there is no authentic commitment to liberation, because love exists only among equals."

If there is no friendship with them [the poor] and no sharing of the life of the poor, then there is no authentic commitment to liberation, because love exists only among equals.

Theology Quotes: "The religion of tomorrow will be less concerned with the dogmas of theology and more concerned with the social welfare of humanity."

The religion of tomorrow will be less concerned with the dogmas of theology and more concerned with the social welfare of humanity.

Theology Quotes: "When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death."

When a denomination begins to consider doctrine divisive, theology troublesome, and convictions inconvenient, consider that denomination on its way to a well-deserved death.

Theology Quotes: "The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become."

The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.

Theology Quotes: "Any theology that is indifferent to the theme of liberation is not Christian theology."

Any theology that is indifferent to the theme of liberation is not Christian theology.

Theology Quotes: "We fear men so much, because we fear God so little."

We fear men so much, because we fear God so little.

Theology Quotes: "Theology without practice is the theology of demons"

Theology without practice is the theology of demons

Theology Quotes: "If you want to have order in the commonwealth, you first have to have order in the individual soul."

If you want to have order in the commonwealth, you first have to have order in the individual soul.

Theology Quotes: "I don't know how your theology works, but if Jesus has a choice between stained glass windows and feeding starving kids in Haiti, I have a feeling he'd choose the starving kids in Haiti."

I don't know how your theology works, but if Jesus has a choice between stained glass windows and feeding starving kids in Haiti, I have a feeling he'd choose the starving kids in Haiti.

Theology Quotes: "Music is a fair and glorious gift of God. I am strongly persuaded that after theology, there is no art which can be placed on the level with music."

Music is a fair and glorious gift of God. I am strongly persuaded that after theology, there is no art which can be placed on the level with music.

Theology Quotes: "The best theology is probably no theology; just love one another."

The best theology is probably no theology; just love one another.

Theology Quotes: "Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our church. We are fighting today for costly grace."

Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our church. We are fighting today for costly grace.

Theology Quotes: "I'm an enemy of what I call 'computer theology.' There's a class conflict out there. There's a techno-elite that lives in a different world."

I'm an enemy of what I call 'computer theology.' There's a class conflict out there. There's a techno-elite that lives in a different world.

Theology Quotes: "Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you and remembering what's right with God."

Worship is forgetting about what's wrong with you and remembering what's right with God.

Theology Quotes: "Sound theology should always lead us to doxology and transformation."

Sound theology should always lead us to doxology and transformation.

Theology Quotes: "It is to the Cross that the Christian is challenged to follow his Master: no path of redemption can make a detour around it."

It is to the Cross that the Christian is challenged to follow his Master: no path of redemption can make a detour around it.

Theology Quotes: "Wherever morality is based on theology, wherever the right is made dependent on divine authority, the most immoral, unjust, infamous things can be justified and established."

Wherever morality is based on theology, wherever the right is made dependent on divine authority, the most immoral, unjust, infamous things can be justified and established.

Theology Quotes: "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't."

Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.

Theology Quotes: "Theosophy blesses the world; Theology is its curse."

Theosophy blesses the world; Theology is its curse.

Theology Quotes: "Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol."

Never think that you need to protect God. Because anytime you think you need to protect God, you can be sure that you are worshipping an idol.

Theology Quotes: "Art is so often better at theology than theology is."

Art is so often better at theology than theology is.

Theology Quotes: "To so many people, the Lord is in danger of being no more than a patron saint of our systematic theology instead of the Christ Who is our life."

To so many people, the Lord is in danger of being no more than a patron saint of our systematic theology instead of the Christ Who is our life.

Theology Quotes: "We are called by God to do theology, that is, to live our lives with a moment-by-moment consciousness of God."

We are called by God to do theology, that is, to live our lives with a moment-by-moment consciousness of God.

Theology Quotes: "If we believe in a theology that doesn't contain doing the works of Jesus, we will not have a practice of Signs & Wonders."

If we believe in a theology that doesn't contain doing the works of Jesus, we will not have a practice of Signs & Wonders.

Theology Quotes: "God is the Truth. The Bible is the truth about the Truth. Theology is the truth about the truth about the Truth."

God is the Truth. The Bible is the truth about the Truth. Theology is the truth about the truth about the Truth.

Theology Quotes: "Any old woman can love God better than a doctor of theology can."

Any old woman can love God better than a doctor of theology can.

Theology Quotes: "A theology without spirituality would be a sterile academic exercise."

A theology without spirituality would be a sterile academic exercise.

Theology Quotes: "Theology is unnecessary."

Theology is unnecessary.

Theology Quotes: "I think that gardening is nearer to godliness than theology."

I think that gardening is nearer to godliness than theology.

Theology Quotes: "My entire theology can be condensed into four words, 'JESUS DIED FOR ME'."

My entire theology can be condensed into four words, 'JESUS DIED FOR ME'.

Theology Quotes: "The world's theology is easy to define. It is the view that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation."

The world's theology is easy to define. It is the view that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation.

Theology Quotes: "Theology is not only about understanding the world; it is about mending the world."

Theology is not only about understanding the world; it is about mending the world.

Theology Quotes: "The world does not understand theology or dogma, but it understands love and sympathy."

The world does not understand theology or dogma, but it understands love and sympathy.

Theology Quotes: "Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is 'The Book of British Birds,' and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology."

Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is 'The Book of British Birds,' and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology.

Theology Quotes: "The more we know of God, the more unreservedly we will trust him; the greater our progress in theology, the simpler and more child-like will be our faith"

The more we know of God, the more unreservedly we will trust him; the greater our progress in theology, the simpler and more child-like will be our faith

Theology Quotes: "I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws."

I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil. My God created laws that take care of that. His universe is not ruled by wishful thinking, but by immutable laws.

Theology Quotes: "Theology is a part of our lives. It's unavoidable. A thoughtless theology guides our lives with just as much force as a thoughtful and informed one."

Theology is a part of our lives. It's unavoidable. A thoughtless theology guides our lives with just as much force as a thoughtful and informed one.

Theology Quotes: "Science has eradicated smallpox, can immunise against most previously deadly viruses, can kill most previously deadly bacteria. Theology has done nothing but talk of pestilence as the wages of sin."

Science has eradicated smallpox, can immunise against most previously deadly viruses, can kill most previously deadly bacteria. Theology has done nothing but talk of pestilence as the wages of sin.

Theology Quotes: "The ultimate goal of theology isn't knowledge, but worship."

The ultimate goal of theology isn't knowledge, but worship.

Theology Quotes: "The English experience suggested that nobody really doubted the existence of God until theologians tried to prove it."

The English experience suggested that nobody really doubted the existence of God until theologians tried to prove it.

Theology Quotes: "To be a child means to owe one's existence to another, and even in our adult life we never quite reach the point where we no longer have to give thanks for being the person we are."

To be a child means to owe one's existence to another, and even in our adult life we never quite reach the point where we no longer have to give thanks for being the person we are.

Theology Quotes: "The heart is like a woman, and the head is like a man, and although man is the head of woman, woman is the heart of man, and she turns man's head because she turns his heart."

The heart is like a woman, and the head is like a man, and although man is the head of woman, woman is the heart of man, and she turns man's head because she turns his heart.

Theology Quotes: "It is better to lose your life than to waste it."

It is better to lose your life than to waste it.

Theology Quotes: "When it comes to the hijab - why to wear it, whether to wear it, how to wear it - there is theology and then there is practice, and there is huge diversity in both."

When it comes to the hijab - why to wear it, whether to wear it, how to wear it - there is theology and then there is practice, and there is huge diversity in both.