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Three Quotes

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Three Quotes: "I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way."

I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way.

Three Quotes: "Suppose that by revenge you might destroy one enemy; yet, by exercising the Christian's temper you might conquer three‌–‌your own lust, Satan's temptation, and your enemy's heart."

Suppose that by revenge you might destroy one enemy; yet, by exercising the Christian's temper you might conquer three‌–‌your own lust, Satan's temptation, and your enemy's heart.

Three Quotes: "If it weren't for a new rule that came into being, we'd have played three years in a row in the championship game."

If it weren't for a new rule that came into being, we'd have played three years in a row in the championship game.

Three Quotes: "We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and thy're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient."

We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and thy're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient.

Three Quotes: "I always thought a yard was three feet, then I started mowing the lawn."

I always thought a yard was three feet, then I started mowing the lawn.

Three Quotes: "I keep three hoes, But don't'call me Santa"

I keep three hoes, But don't'call me Santa

Three Quotes: "It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course."

It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.

Three Quotes: "Divine the Powers that on this trio wait. Supreme their conquest, over Time and Fate. Love, Work, and Faith - these three alone are great."

Divine the Powers that on this trio wait. Supreme their conquest, over Time and Fate. Love, Work, and Faith - these three alone are great.

Three Quotes: "If you have to talk to more than three people about the same problem, you don't want help, you want attention."

If you have to talk to more than three people about the same problem, you don't want help, you want attention.

Three Quotes: "There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life-happiness, freedom and peace of mind-are always attained by giving them to someone else."

There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life-happiness, freedom and peace of mind-are always attained by giving them to someone else.

Three Quotes: "I mean, I do love clever and witty, but I think that the 'Three Stooges' were geniuses. They'd have to be for their appeal to have lasted this long."

I mean, I do love clever and witty, but I think that the 'Three Stooges' were geniuses. They'd have to be for their appeal to have lasted this long.

Three Quotes: "President Obama inherited a one trillion dollar deficit courtesy of George Bush and turned it into a three trillion dollar deficit courtesy of Karl Marx!"

President Obama inherited a one trillion dollar deficit courtesy of George Bush and turned it into a three trillion dollar deficit courtesy of Karl Marx!

Three Quotes: "Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments"

Financial security and independence are like a three-legged stool resting on savings, insurance and investments

Three Quotes: "I practiced two or three hours, sometimes none, sometimes six. It was very varied."

I practiced two or three hours, sometimes none, sometimes six. It was very varied.

Three Quotes: "If Moses had gone to Harvard Law School and spent three years working on the Hill, he would have written the Ten Commandments with three exceptions and a saving clause."

If Moses had gone to Harvard Law School and spent three years working on the Hill, he would have written the Ten Commandments with three exceptions and a saving clause.

Three Quotes: "I made some salt and pepper shakers a while back and waited three years for them to come."

I made some salt and pepper shakers a while back and waited three years for them to come.

Three Quotes: "There are three side effects of acid: enhanced long-term memory, decreased short-term memory, and I forget the third."

There are three side effects of acid: enhanced long-term memory, decreased short-term memory, and I forget the third.

Three Quotes: "The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?"

The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Three Quotes: "All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third."

All Gaul is divided into three parts, one of which the Belgae inhabit, the Aquitani another, those who in their own language are called Celts, in ours Gauls, the third.

Three Quotes: "I wouldn't even know - and I spent three years in the CIA - I wouldn't even know how you'd start a covert action program in a place like Iran. It would be extraordinarily difficult."

I wouldn't even know - and I spent three years in the CIA - I wouldn't even know how you'd start a covert action program in a place like Iran. It would be extraordinarily difficult.

Three Quotes: "I don't tap dance, and I don't think you can learn to tap dance in three weeks at my ripe old age."

I don't tap dance, and I don't think you can learn to tap dance in three weeks at my ripe old age.

Three Quotes: "He who creates three to five haiku poems during a lifetime is a haiku poet. He who attains to completes ten is a master."

He who creates three to five haiku poems during a lifetime is a haiku poet. He who attains to completes ten is a master.

Three Quotes: "I’ll keep it short and sweet - Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."

I’ll keep it short and sweet - Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business.

Three Quotes: "We're like the Three Musketeers, searching for truth and justice and the American way.: Glitch snorted. "More like the Three Blind Mice, stumbling around trying to find a hunk of cheese in the dark."

We're like the Three Musketeers, searching for truth and justice and the American way.: Glitch snorted. "More like the Three Blind Mice, stumbling around trying to find a hunk of cheese in the dark.

Three Quotes: "There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest is with gambling, but the surest is with technicians."

There are three roads to ruin; women, gambling and technicians. The most pleasant is with women, the quickest is with gambling, but the surest is with technicians.

Three Quotes: "Philosophy, art, and science are not the mental objects of an objectified brain but the three aspects under which the brain becomes subject."

Philosophy, art, and science are not the mental objects of an objectified brain but the three aspects under which the brain becomes subject.

Three Quotes: "There are three things to leave behind; your photographs, your library, and your personal journals. These things are certainly going to be more valuable to future generations than your furniture!"

There are three things to leave behind; your photographs, your library, and your personal journals. These things are certainly going to be more valuable to future generations than your furniture!

Three Quotes: "If God had meant there to be more than two factors of production, He would have made it easier for us to draw three-dimension al diagrams."

If God had meant there to be more than two factors of production, He would have made it easier for us to draw three-dimension al diagrams.

Three Quotes: "I have an iPad and I watch three things: 'The Daily Show,' '60 Minutes,' and 'Meet the Press.'"

I have an iPad and I watch three things: 'The Daily Show,' '60 Minutes,' and 'Meet the Press.'

Three Quotes: "I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits."

I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits.

Three Quotes: "I think the whole boycott thing was a bit too much. It's because we're accomplished so much in women's tennis in the last two, three years. We deserve something better."

I think the whole boycott thing was a bit too much. It's because we're accomplished so much in women's tennis in the last two, three years. We deserve something better.

Three Quotes: "There are only three things you need to let go of judging, controlling, and being right. Release these three and you will have the whole mind and twinkly heart of a child."

There are only three things you need to let go of judging, controlling, and being right. Release these three and you will have the whole mind and twinkly heart of a child.

Three Quotes: "Two or three things I know for sure, and one of them is that if we are not beautiful to each other, we cannot know beauty in any form."

Two or three things I know for sure, and one of them is that if we are not beautiful to each other, we cannot know beauty in any form.

Three Quotes: "If there are four equations and only three variables, and no one of the equations is derivable from the others by algebraic manipulation then there is another variable missing."

If there are four equations and only three variables, and no one of the equations is derivable from the others by algebraic manipulation then there is another variable missing.

Three Quotes: "I really wasn't on the Dallas set much. I did three or four episodes so I didn't see too much."

I really wasn't on the Dallas set much. I did three or four episodes so I didn't see too much.

Three Quotes: "Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are billed to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death."

Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are billed to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death.

Three Quotes: "Lyric writing is an interesting process in Sonic Youth. There's three people writing now, and we've all had a lot of interest and involvement with expression through words"

Lyric writing is an interesting process in Sonic Youth. There's three people writing now, and we've all had a lot of interest and involvement with expression through words

Three Quotes: "I am endlessly busy, bringing up five young kids, and trying to keep up with the three older ones. I still spend most of my life driving car pools."

I am endlessly busy, bringing up five young kids, and trying to keep up with the three older ones. I still spend most of my life driving car pools.

Three Quotes: "The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have."

The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

Three Quotes: "I love Japanese and Thai food, especially seafood, and eat out with my wife two or three times a week."

I love Japanese and Thai food, especially seafood, and eat out with my wife two or three times a week.

Three Quotes: "To be a critic, you have to have maybe three percent education, five percent intelligence, two percent style, and 90 percent gall and egomania in equal parts."

To be a critic, you have to have maybe three percent education, five percent intelligence, two percent style, and 90 percent gall and egomania in equal parts.

Three Quotes: "People often ask, why aren't you reading about what it is you're working on right now? And the truth is, you only get three pages a night before your eyelids close."

People often ask, why aren't you reading about what it is you're working on right now? And the truth is, you only get three pages a night before your eyelids close.

Three Quotes: "If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, 'Tell the truth.' If I got three more words, I'd add: 'All the time.'"

If I could only give three words of advice, they would be, 'Tell the truth.' If I got three more words, I'd add: 'All the time.'

Three Quotes: "When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land."

When the land is cultivated entirely by the spade and no horses are kept, a cow is kept for every three acres of land.

Three Quotes: "After two or three sessions of meditating on your heart chakra, it will no longer be necessary for you to physically touch your chest. You will sense the spot automatically."

After two or three sessions of meditating on your heart chakra, it will no longer be necessary for you to physically touch your chest. You will sense the spot automatically.

Three Quotes: "In the chakras, it's the heart chakra, anahata, the central chakra, three above and three below, which symbolizes happiness and love, psychic oneness, spiritual understanding."

In the chakras, it's the heart chakra, anahata, the central chakra, three above and three below, which symbolizes happiness and love, psychic oneness, spiritual understanding.

Three Quotes: "If I found a cure for a huge disease, while I was hobbling up onstage to accept the Nobel Prize they'd be playing the theme song from 'Three's Company'."

If I found a cure for a huge disease, while I was hobbling up onstage to accept the Nobel Prize they'd be playing the theme song from 'Three's Company'.

Three Quotes: "There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly."

There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly.

Three Quotes: "Seamen three! what men be ye? Gotham's three Wise Men we be. Whither in your bowl so free? To rake the moon from out the sea. The bowl goes trim. The moon doth shine, And our ballast is old wine."

Seamen three! what men be ye? Gotham's three Wise Men we be. Whither in your bowl so free? To rake the moon from out the sea. The bowl goes trim. The moon doth shine, And our ballast is old wine.