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To Be Human Quotes

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To Be Human Quotes: "We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races."

We of Africa protest that, in this day and age, we should continue to be treated as lesser human beings than other races.

To Be Human Quotes: "Human life is far more important than just getting to the top of a mountain."

Human life is far more important than just getting to the top of a mountain.

To Be Human Quotes: "Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think."

Practically the whole human race is hypnotized because it thinks what somebody else told it to think.

To Be Human Quotes: "Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril."

Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril.

To Be Human Quotes: "Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn't got one."

Human beings are the only creatures on earth that claim a God and the only thing that behaves like it hasn't got one.

To Be Human Quotes: "The heart of our problem is the selfishness in our heart. The human spirit soars with hope when lifted by an encouraging word. The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle."

The heart of our problem is the selfishness in our heart. The human spirit soars with hope when lifted by an encouraging word. The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

To Be Human Quotes: "We're all human beings and we all have feelings. And we all live in this industrial meat grinder where we don't really understand love anymore."

We're all human beings and we all have feelings. And we all live in this industrial meat grinder where we don't really understand love anymore.

To Be Human Quotes: "The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race."

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

To Be Human Quotes: "The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened."

The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.

To Be Human Quotes: "Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on."

Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on.

To Be Human Quotes: "Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you're hating part of yourself."

Everybody comes from the same source. If you hate another human being, you're hating part of yourself.

To Be Human Quotes: "What I look for is neither reality nor unreality but the subconscious, the instinctive mystery of the human race."

What I look for is neither reality nor unreality but the subconscious, the instinctive mystery of the human race.

To Be Human Quotes: "The brain is the organ of destiny. It holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race."

The brain is the organ of destiny. It holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race.

To Be Human Quotes: "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity."

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.

To Be Human Quotes: "The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation."

The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.

To Be Human Quotes: "Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings."

Zoo: An excellent place to study the habits of human beings.

To Be Human Quotes: "Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical measure that has probably done more to increase human life span than any kind of drug or surgery."

Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical measure that has probably done more to increase human life span than any kind of drug or surgery.

To Be Human Quotes: "There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race - scientifically, anthropologically. Racism is a construct, a social construct... it has a social function, racism."

There is no such thing as race. None. There is just a human race - scientifically, anthropologically. Racism is a construct, a social construct... it has a social function, racism.

To Be Human Quotes: "We've moved from wisdom to knowledge, and now we're moving from knowledge to information, and that information is so partial – that we're creating incomplete human beings."

We've moved from wisdom to knowledge, and now we're moving from knowledge to information, and that information is so partial – that we're creating incomplete human beings.

To Be Human Quotes: "I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation."

I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.

To Be Human Quotes: "Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family"

Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family

To Be Human Quotes: "The State of Israel will prove itself not by material wealth, not by military might or technical achievement, but by its moral character and human values."

The State of Israel will prove itself not by material wealth, not by military might or technical achievement, but by its moral character and human values.

To Be Human Quotes: "Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or the human mind is more than a machine."

Either mathematics is too big for the human mind or the human mind is more than a machine.

To Be Human Quotes: "The human heart will seek to be known, understood, and connected with above all else. If you do not connect, the ones you care about will find someone who will."

The human heart will seek to be known, understood, and connected with above all else. If you do not connect, the ones you care about will find someone who will.

To Be Human Quotes: "When women act like women, they are accused of being inferior. When women act like human beings, they are accused of behaving like men."

When women act like women, they are accused of being inferior. When women act like human beings, they are accused of behaving like men.

To Be Human Quotes: "America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America."

America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America.

To Be Human Quotes: "To err is human; to admit it, superhuman."

To err is human; to admit it, superhuman.

To Be Human Quotes: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.

To Be Human Quotes: "We cannot change the way the world is, but by opening ourselves to the world as it is, we may find that gentleness, decency and bravery are available - not only to us, but to all human beings."

We cannot change the way the world is, but by opening ourselves to the world as it is, we may find that gentleness, decency and bravery are available - not only to us, but to all human beings.

To Be Human Quotes: "To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control."

To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control.

To Be Human Quotes: "I was completely astonished by the beauty of nature. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings."

I was completely astonished by the beauty of nature. Our eyes see just a small fraction of the light in the world. It is a trick to make a colored world, which does not exist outside of human beings.

To Be Human Quotes: "It is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act."

It is not so much the kind of person a man is as the kind of situation in which he finds himself that determines how he will act.

To Be Human Quotes: "Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity."

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.

To Be Human Quotes: "The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe."

The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10 thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.

To Be Human Quotes: "A novel is not, after all, a historical document, but a way to travel through the human heart."

A novel is not, after all, a historical document, but a way to travel through the human heart.

To Be Human Quotes: "Human beings aren't orchids; we must draw something from the soil we grow in."

Human beings aren't orchids; we must draw something from the soil we grow in.

To Be Human Quotes: "There are only two things that pierce the human heart. One is beauty. The other is affliction."

There are only two things that pierce the human heart. One is beauty. The other is affliction.

To Be Human Quotes: "Human emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors. Cruelty is a gift humanity has given itself."

Human emotions are a gift from our animal ancestors. Cruelty is a gift humanity has given itself.

To Be Human Quotes: "I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction"

I dream ...of a world where we can commit our social resources to the development of human life and not to its destruction

To Be Human Quotes: "The more one judges, the less one loves."

The more one judges, the less one loves.

To Be Human Quotes: "The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person."

The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person.

To Be Human Quotes: "Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit."

Enjoyment is an incredible energizer to the human spirit.

To Be Human Quotes: "The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe."

The universe is my country and the human family is my tribe.

To Be Human Quotes: "There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship."

There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.

To Be Human Quotes: "So war and peace start in the human heart. Whether that heart is open or whether that heart closes has global implications."

So war and peace start in the human heart. Whether that heart is open or whether that heart closes has global implications.

To Be Human Quotes: "The secret to life is meaningless unless you discover it yourself."

The secret to life is meaningless unless you discover it yourself.

To Be Human Quotes: "The task of organizing human happiness needs the active cooperation of man and woman: it cannot be relegated to one half of the world."

The task of organizing human happiness needs the active cooperation of man and woman: it cannot be relegated to one half of the world.

To Be Human Quotes: "If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon."

If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.

To Be Human Quotes: "I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it."

I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it.