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Tragic Quotes

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Tragic Quotes: "Dogs have fleas; people have each other. We are born to die. Life is a continuing tragic comedy. Everything and everyone we love suffers. Anybody who doesn't see that has not grown up and known life."

Dogs have fleas; people have each other. We are born to die. Life is a continuing tragic comedy. Everything and everyone we love suffers. Anybody who doesn't see that has not grown up and known life.

Tragic Quotes: "Today, America can regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam... These events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America's leadership in the world."

Today, America can regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam... These events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America's leadership in the world.

Tragic Quotes: "Life to most Greeks may be either tragic or comic or a mixture of both; but one thing it never is - and that is, meaningless."

Life to most Greeks may be either tragic or comic or a mixture of both; but one thing it never is - and that is, meaningless.

Tragic Quotes: "I regard philanthropy as a tragic apology for wrong conditions under which human beings live."

I regard philanthropy as a tragic apology for wrong conditions under which human beings live.

Tragic Quotes: "With mind distracted, never thinking, "Death is coming," To slave away on the pointless business of mundane life, And then to come out empty--it is a tragic error. (116) trans by Robert Thurman"

With mind distracted, never thinking, "Death is coming," To slave away on the pointless business of mundane life, And then to come out empty--it is a tragic error. (116) trans by Robert Thurman

Tragic Quotes: "I love Downton Abbey. It's just great. My mother giving birth to me was just like Lady Sybil giving birth, except that there wasn't such a tragic ending."

I love Downton Abbey. It's just great. My mother giving birth to me was just like Lady Sybil giving birth, except that there wasn't such a tragic ending.

Tragic Quotes: "Guys don't adapt as well as women do to getting their heart broken for the first time. It's tragic."

Guys don't adapt as well as women do to getting their heart broken for the first time. It's tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "Tragic experience indicates that the most sacred obligations are utterly disregarded when their observance means losing the war."

Tragic experience indicates that the most sacred obligations are utterly disregarded when their observance means losing the war.

Tragic Quotes: "The unequal distribution of food is one of the world's most tragic facts. Millions of people die because they have too little to eat, and many die because they have too much."

The unequal distribution of food is one of the world's most tragic facts. Millions of people die because they have too little to eat, and many die because they have too much.

Tragic Quotes: "The separation of a childless couple is dramatic, but the separation of a couple with children is always tragic."

The separation of a childless couple is dramatic, but the separation of a couple with children is always tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "There is nothing more tragic in all the world than to know right and not to do it."

There is nothing more tragic in all the world than to know right and not to do it.

Tragic Quotes: "Maybe one of the monsters ate him," Daphne whimpered. "That would be awesome," Puck said. Sabrina flashed him an angry look. "Awesome in a terrible, heartbreakingly tragic way," Puck continued."

Maybe one of the monsters ate him," Daphne whimpered. "That would be awesome," Puck said. Sabrina flashed him an angry look. "Awesome in a terrible, heartbreakingly tragic way," Puck continued.

Tragic Quotes: "Its hard to take in. One of our most talented singer songwriters has left us. RIP George Michael. Such sad, tragic news. 2016 please end."

Its hard to take in. One of our most talented singer songwriters has left us. RIP George Michael. Such sad, tragic news. 2016 please end.

Tragic Quotes: "Those who foresee the future and recognize it as tragic are often seized upon by a madness which forced them to commit the very acts which make it certain that what they dread will happen."

Those who foresee the future and recognize it as tragic are often seized upon by a madness which forced them to commit the very acts which make it certain that what they dread will happen.

Tragic Quotes: "My point is that death is more tragic than life, than any life, because every life has hope of some kind."

My point is that death is more tragic than life, than any life, because every life has hope of some kind.

Tragic Quotes: "Art invites us to know beauty and to solicit it, summon it, from even the most tragic of circumstances."

Art invites us to know beauty and to solicit it, summon it, from even the most tragic of circumstances.

Tragic Quotes: "It is tragic that Howard Hughes had to die to prove that he was alive."

It is tragic that Howard Hughes had to die to prove that he was alive.

Tragic Quotes: "The Grutter and Gratz decisions, taken together, represent a sad and tragic chapter in American history."

The Grutter and Gratz decisions, taken together, represent a sad and tragic chapter in American history.

Tragic Quotes: "With my being from Hawaii and being very family oriented I don't really have a fear of a tragic ending. I dont see any tragic ending for me."

With my being from Hawaii and being very family oriented I don't really have a fear of a tragic ending. I dont see any tragic ending for me.

Tragic Quotes: "If you come face to face with some really challenging situations and tragic circumstances - you are going in there with a purpose. You are not going in there as a tourist."

If you come face to face with some really challenging situations and tragic circumstances - you are going in there with a purpose. You are not going in there as a tourist.

Tragic Quotes: "It is a tragic paradox that the very qualities that have led to man's extraordinary capacity for success are also those most likely to destroy him."

It is a tragic paradox that the very qualities that have led to man's extraordinary capacity for success are also those most likely to destroy him.

Tragic Quotes: "The causes of illusions are not pretty to discover. They're either vicious or tragic."

The causes of illusions are not pretty to discover. They're either vicious or tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "Southerners have many fine qualities, charm and civility among them, and a sense of the tragic."

Southerners have many fine qualities, charm and civility among them, and a sense of the tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "I don't need drugs. Life is already tragic enough."

I don't need drugs. Life is already tragic enough.

Tragic Quotes: "If you could press a button and your ego investment was less, the toothache would be less. Or less tragic at least."

If you could press a button and your ego investment was less, the toothache would be less. Or less tragic at least.

Tragic Quotes: "The tragic solemnity of existence strikes us with terrible force on that morning when we wake to find the mournful words "too late" ringing in our ears."

The tragic solemnity of existence strikes us with terrible force on that morning when we wake to find the mournful words "too late" ringing in our ears.

Tragic Quotes: "Power is poison. Its effect on Presidents had always been tragic, chiefly as an almost insane excitement at first, and a worse reaction afterwards."

Power is poison. Its effect on Presidents had always been tragic, chiefly as an almost insane excitement at first, and a worse reaction afterwards.

Tragic Quotes: "Everyone loves characters that are relatable or who have unique quirks or tragic flaws."

Everyone loves characters that are relatable or who have unique quirks or tragic flaws.

Tragic Quotes: "I don't want to die before my parents die, especially my mother. Because I think that's tragic. Because I don't want her to get the chance to pick out what I'm going to wear for eternity."

I don't want to die before my parents die, especially my mother. Because I think that's tragic. Because I don't want her to get the chance to pick out what I'm going to wear for eternity.

Tragic Quotes: "I've seen enough successful writers who no longer seem to care when they are recognized with an award, and I think that's just tragic."

I've seen enough successful writers who no longer seem to care when they are recognized with an award, and I think that's just tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "Tell people the truth, they laugh. The truth is so tragic they have to pretend it's a joke."

Tell people the truth, they laugh. The truth is so tragic they have to pretend it's a joke.

Tragic Quotes: "People who have had power, when they become powerless, are really tragic.... We just allow ourselves to be conditioned by a society so we become as important as we're supposed to be."

People who have had power, when they become powerless, are really tragic.... We just allow ourselves to be conditioned by a society so we become as important as we're supposed to be.

Tragic Quotes: "There's nothing more tragic than artists from the 70s still doing art from the 70s."

There's nothing more tragic than artists from the 70s still doing art from the 70s.

Tragic Quotes: "The tragic hero prefers death to prudence. The comedian prefers playing tricks to winning. Only the villain really plays to win."

The tragic hero prefers death to prudence. The comedian prefers playing tricks to winning. Only the villain really plays to win.

Tragic Quotes: "Sleepy-head is no longer aroused by tragic imaginings."

Sleepy-head is no longer aroused by tragic imaginings.

Tragic Quotes: "Nothing is more tragic - or more common - than mental inertia."

Nothing is more tragic - or more common - than mental inertia.

Tragic Quotes: "As a rule people don't think other people on drugs are funny. They think they are tragic. They have a point, but I still had the funny."

As a rule people don't think other people on drugs are funny. They think they are tragic. They have a point, but I still had the funny.

Tragic Quotes: "It's tragic that you can define a whole movement in music by gender alone. People are like, 'Oh, look, another quirky girl.'"

It's tragic that you can define a whole movement in music by gender alone. People are like, 'Oh, look, another quirky girl.'

Tragic Quotes: "I can't remember ever having a tragic demeanor. Although my life was tragedy."

I can't remember ever having a tragic demeanor. Although my life was tragedy.

Tragic Quotes: "A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless."

A senseless tragedy remains forever tragic, but it is up to us whether it remains forever senseless.

Tragic Quotes: "I don't want to be a professional cripple. And I don't see the suicide stuff as tragic."

I don't want to be a professional cripple. And I don't see the suicide stuff as tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "My father, who suffered from hardening of the arteries, was diagnosed as having that tragic thief of the mind, Alzheimer's."

My father, who suffered from hardening of the arteries, was diagnosed as having that tragic thief of the mind, Alzheimer's.

Tragic Quotes: "Tragic heroes always moan when the gods take an interest in them, but it's the people the gods ignore who get the really tough deals"

Tragic heroes always moan when the gods take an interest in them, but it's the people the gods ignore who get the really tough deals

Tragic Quotes: "There is a malaise that exists in your land - what appears to many as the sudden and tragic disappearance of the American dream which, in some ways, has turned to nightmare. J. J. Greene Quotes."

There is a malaise that exists in your land - what appears to many as the sudden and tragic disappearance of the American dream which, in some ways, has turned to nightmare. J. J. Greene Quotes.

Tragic Quotes: "It is poverty's speech that seeks us out the most. It is older than the oldest speech of Rome. This is the tragic accent of the scene."

It is poverty's speech that seeks us out the most. It is older than the oldest speech of Rome. This is the tragic accent of the scene.

Tragic Quotes: "I think it's a question which particularly arises over women writers: whether it's better to have a happy life or a good supply of tragic plots."

I think it's a question which particularly arises over women writers: whether it's better to have a happy life or a good supply of tragic plots.

Tragic Quotes: "It's a shame there has to be a tragedy before the best in people will finally shine."

It's a shame there has to be a tragedy before the best in people will finally shine.

Tragic Quotes: "She walked beside Jared, four inches of rain-dashed darkness between her hanging wrist and his."

She walked beside Jared, four inches of rain-dashed darkness between her hanging wrist and his.

Tragic Quotes: "There’s not really such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, there’s just like…humanity. And it gets broken sometimes."

There’s not really such thing as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people, there’s just like…humanity. And it gets broken sometimes.