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Tragic Quotes

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Tragic Quotes: "In sports, I refused to do any interviews that were just going to become human-interest stories. Don't turn me into a tragic heroine."

In sports, I refused to do any interviews that were just going to become human-interest stories. Don't turn me into a tragic heroine.

Tragic Quotes: "When love ceases to be tragic it is something else and the individual again throws himself in search of tragedy."

When love ceases to be tragic it is something else and the individual again throws himself in search of tragedy.

Tragic Quotes: "We always wanted to make a comedy that was a little bit more than that, which had tragic elements to it... that people engaged with - an intelligent comedy essentially."

We always wanted to make a comedy that was a little bit more than that, which had tragic elements to it... that people engaged with - an intelligent comedy essentially.

Tragic Quotes: "I'm more of a clown, a tragic clown. Yeah. I just like humor to come out of characters."

I'm more of a clown, a tragic clown. Yeah. I just like humor to come out of characters.

Tragic Quotes: "Most people, even among those who know Shakespeare well and come into real contact with his mind, are inclined to isolate and exaggerate some one aspect of the tragic fact."

Most people, even among those who know Shakespeare well and come into real contact with his mind, are inclined to isolate and exaggerate some one aspect of the tragic fact.

Tragic Quotes: "I've always found the most tragic things funny. I was always the guy laughing at the funeral."

I've always found the most tragic things funny. I was always the guy laughing at the funeral.

Tragic Quotes: "After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism."

After making several tragic movies in a row, I was looking to do a comedy, and one without cynicism.

Tragic Quotes: "I don't think the Hulk is a superhero. He's the first Marvel character who is a tragic monster. Really an anti-hero."

I don't think the Hulk is a superhero. He's the first Marvel character who is a tragic monster. Really an anti-hero.

Tragic Quotes: "Don't underestimate the power of events that happened a long time ago. That is the tragic flaw of modern man."

Don't underestimate the power of events that happened a long time ago. That is the tragic flaw of modern man.

Tragic Quotes: "It is tragic that many in America think of us - Christians - as being people who hate others."

It is tragic that many in America think of us - Christians - as being people who hate others.

Tragic Quotes: "When we talk about our lives, long or short, brief and tragic or enduring beyond comprehension, we impose a continuity on them, and that continuity is a lie."

When we talk about our lives, long or short, brief and tragic or enduring beyond comprehension, we impose a continuity on them, and that continuity is a lie.

Tragic Quotes: "Every year I used to write a musical inspired by John Waters, and I would get all my friends together and put on this perverse, emotional, tragic musical."

Every year I used to write a musical inspired by John Waters, and I would get all my friends together and put on this perverse, emotional, tragic musical.

Tragic Quotes: "The more the history of the World War and what led up to it is studied, the more clearly those tragic years become revealed as a vast collapse of civilization."

The more the history of the World War and what led up to it is studied, the more clearly those tragic years become revealed as a vast collapse of civilization.

Tragic Quotes: "I use humour a lot. My foundation is tragic, but my appearance is humorous."

I use humour a lot. My foundation is tragic, but my appearance is humorous.

Tragic Quotes: "The death of my daughter is a subject I talk about briefly because there is nothing more tragic."

The death of my daughter is a subject I talk about briefly because there is nothing more tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "FBI Girl is touching and funny, inspiring and tragic, enlightening and sad. I closed the book with tears in my eyes and admiration in my heart for the girl Maura Conlon was and the writer she became."

FBI Girl is touching and funny, inspiring and tragic, enlightening and sad. I closed the book with tears in my eyes and admiration in my heart for the girl Maura Conlon was and the writer she became.

Tragic Quotes: "Talking to mothers, always brings it home because they're so anxious to do everything they can for their kids and so tragic for them."

Talking to mothers, always brings it home because they're so anxious to do everything they can for their kids and so tragic for them.

Tragic Quotes: "I believe in this tragic hour you can make the right choice. The honor and glory of Russian men of arms shall not be stained with the blood of the people."

I believe in this tragic hour you can make the right choice. The honor and glory of Russian men of arms shall not be stained with the blood of the people.

Tragic Quotes: "I swear that woman had a previous career as a death-hunter selling tragic ballads down around the Seven Dials," said Will. "And I do wish she wouldn't sing about poisoning just after we've eaten."

I swear that woman had a previous career as a death-hunter selling tragic ballads down around the Seven Dials," said Will. "And I do wish she wouldn't sing about poisoning just after we've eaten.

Tragic Quotes: "What seems tragic now won't even be an issue in a few years time."

What seems tragic now won't even be an issue in a few years time.

Tragic Quotes: "I think there's something quite interesting about the almost tragic quality of a lot of overwrought prose, because it has a much more self-conscious awareness of its own failure to touch the real."

I think there's something quite interesting about the almost tragic quality of a lot of overwrought prose, because it has a much more self-conscious awareness of its own failure to touch the real.

Tragic Quotes: "Every high school has its Romeo and Juliet, one tragic couple. So does every generation."

Every high school has its Romeo and Juliet, one tragic couple. So does every generation.

Tragic Quotes: "All good writers across the board, if they're dealing with real tragedy, they will give you comedy in it. And if they're dealing with real comedy, there will be tragic moments in it."

All good writers across the board, if they're dealing with real tragedy, they will give you comedy in it. And if they're dealing with real comedy, there will be tragic moments in it.

Tragic Quotes: "I have made tremendous efforts to work in a darker register and express the sinister and tragic quality of the place, given my natural tendency to work in light and pale tones."

I have made tremendous efforts to work in a darker register and express the sinister and tragic quality of the place, given my natural tendency to work in light and pale tones.

Tragic Quotes: "In comedy, reconcilement with life comes at the point when to the tragic sense only an inalienable difference or dissension with life appears."

In comedy, reconcilement with life comes at the point when to the tragic sense only an inalienable difference or dissension with life appears.

Tragic Quotes: "So you see, when war comes to one’s village, one’s doorstep, it isn’t tragic and impersonal any longer. It is just an excuse to vomit private hatred. That is why I am not a great patriot."

So you see, when war comes to one’s village, one’s doorstep, it isn’t tragic and impersonal any longer. It is just an excuse to vomit private hatred. That is why I am not a great patriot.

Tragic Quotes: "I suppose reggae has always been a hopeful way to protest, and just because the world's tragic doesn't mean it's not beautiful."

I suppose reggae has always been a hopeful way to protest, and just because the world's tragic doesn't mean it's not beautiful.

Tragic Quotes: "Sometimes people say, do you want a drink? And I say, oh, I'd like to, but I'm a tragic alcoholic. I always say tragic. I'm a tragic alcoholic."

Sometimes people say, do you want a drink? And I say, oh, I'd like to, but I'm a tragic alcoholic. I always say tragic. I'm a tragic alcoholic.

Tragic Quotes: "What looks tragic might be comic on second consideration, and what is comic might bring tears in time."

What looks tragic might be comic on second consideration, and what is comic might bring tears in time.

Tragic Quotes: "Aren't we most aware of our animal natures when love or hunger or hatred burns through reason and encourages us to do exactly what we desire to do, with frequently tragic results?"

Aren't we most aware of our animal natures when love or hunger or hatred burns through reason and encourages us to do exactly what we desire to do, with frequently tragic results?

Tragic Quotes: "The vast silence of Buddha overtakes and overrules the oncoming roar of tragic life that fills alleys and avenues; it blocks the way of pedicabs, police, convoys."

The vast silence of Buddha overtakes and overrules the oncoming roar of tragic life that fills alleys and avenues; it blocks the way of pedicabs, police, convoys.

Tragic Quotes: "My daughter fell in love with Ben Barnes, of course. She's 17. What are you gonna do? That was a tragic loss. He didn't fall in love with her."

My daughter fell in love with Ben Barnes, of course. She's 17. What are you gonna do? That was a tragic loss. He didn't fall in love with her.

Tragic Quotes: "I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of my dear friend Ronni Chasen. I have had the honor of working with her for over 15 years. She was one of a kind. I loved her. I miss her."

I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of my dear friend Ronni Chasen. I have had the honor of working with her for over 15 years. She was one of a kind. I loved her. I miss her.

Tragic Quotes: "A lot of people get the wrong impression, think there's something romantic or tragic about hitting bottom."

A lot of people get the wrong impression, think there's something romantic or tragic about hitting bottom.

Tragic Quotes: "The temper of mind that sees tragedy in life has not for its opposite the temper that sees joy. The opposite pole to the tragic view of life is the sordid view."

The temper of mind that sees tragedy in life has not for its opposite the temper that sees joy. The opposite pole to the tragic view of life is the sordid view.

Tragic Quotes: "The tragic sense of life: our heroic acceptance of the suffering of others."

The tragic sense of life: our heroic acceptance of the suffering of others.

Tragic Quotes: "Some lives are tragic, some ridiculous. Most are both at once."

Some lives are tragic, some ridiculous. Most are both at once.

Tragic Quotes: "Had the situation not been so tragic, we might have laughed."

Had the situation not been so tragic, we might have laughed.

Tragic Quotes: "Tragic paradox of freedom: the mediocre men who alone make its exercise possible cannot guarantee its duration."

Tragic paradox of freedom: the mediocre men who alone make its exercise possible cannot guarantee its duration.

Tragic Quotes: "If you have ever been in a real tragic or sad situation, the words that come out are hopelessly inadequate and kind of cliched."

If you have ever been in a real tragic or sad situation, the words that come out are hopelessly inadequate and kind of cliched.

Tragic Quotes: "I never cared about whatever tragic event happened in China. It's faraway decoration, even if in blood and plague."

I never cared about whatever tragic event happened in China. It's faraway decoration, even if in blood and plague.

Tragic Quotes: "People evolve and grow, and life is fascinating and fun and tragic."

People evolve and grow, and life is fascinating and fun and tragic.

Tragic Quotes: "If you start out with a tragic view of life, then anything since is just a bonus."

If you start out with a tragic view of life, then anything since is just a bonus.

Tragic Quotes: "Our sense of the tragic waxes and wanes with our sensuality."

Our sense of the tragic waxes and wanes with our sensuality.

Tragic Quotes: "He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities."

He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities.

Tragic Quotes: "The Socratic demonstration of the ultimate unity of tragic and comic drama is forever lost. But the proof is in the art of Chekhov."

The Socratic demonstration of the ultimate unity of tragic and comic drama is forever lost. But the proof is in the art of Chekhov.

Tragic Quotes: "The tragic element of a character is always intriguing I think."

The tragic element of a character is always intriguing I think.

Tragic Quotes: "This is a tragic world we live in."

This is a tragic world we live in.

Tragic Quotes: "You can perceive life as tragic, or you can laugh at the tragedy of it and that turns it into comedy. It doesn't change the circumstances."

You can perceive life as tragic, or you can laugh at the tragedy of it and that turns it into comedy. It doesn't change the circumstances.