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Twelve Quotes

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Twelve Quotes: "I'm told that my blood sugar level was twelve times the legal limit - I was sweating honey."

I'm told that my blood sugar level was twelve times the legal limit - I was sweating honey.

Twelve Quotes: "Would the Lord send one of the Twelve Apostles halfway around the world to help just one person? The answer is YES. He does it all the time."

Would the Lord send one of the Twelve Apostles halfway around the world to help just one person? The answer is YES. He does it all the time.

Twelve Quotes: "I seriously started drinking probably when I was about twelve. Kids are doing a lot of stuff very early."

I seriously started drinking probably when I was about twelve. Kids are doing a lot of stuff very early.

Twelve Quotes: "I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously."

I record that I was born (as I have been informed and believe) on a Friday, at twelve o'clock at night. It was remarked that the clock began to strike, and I began to cry, simultaneously.

Twelve Quotes: "W.S Merwin says "after three days of rain" and I write "After Twelve Days of Rain." I like his quietude. I admire his ability to be simple without being simplistic."

W.S Merwin says "after three days of rain" and I write "After Twelve Days of Rain." I like his quietude. I admire his ability to be simple without being simplistic.

Twelve Quotes: "The past is like the hair on our head. I moved to New York when I was twelve, but you always have this feeling that wherever you come from, you physically leave it, but it doesn't leave you."

The past is like the hair on our head. I moved to New York when I was twelve, but you always have this feeling that wherever you come from, you physically leave it, but it doesn't leave you.

Twelve Quotes: "The stupidity of one brain multiplied by twelve."

The stupidity of one brain multiplied by twelve.

Twelve Quotes: "At the age of twelve I was finding the world too small: it appeared to me like a dull, trim back garden, in which only trivial games could be played."

At the age of twelve I was finding the world too small: it appeared to me like a dull, trim back garden, in which only trivial games could be played.

Twelve Quotes: "I don't [even] know the number of books on Abraham Lincoln. Ten thousand, twelve thousand? I have seen various numbers. It seems like every generation is always trying to come to terms with Lincoln."

I don't [even] know the number of books on Abraham Lincoln. Ten thousand, twelve thousand? I have seen various numbers. It seems like every generation is always trying to come to terms with Lincoln.

Twelve Quotes: "At about twelve I just knew, something clicked, and I knew I wanted to be an actor and my parents, to their credit, granted this 12 year old girl a chance to give it a try."

At about twelve I just knew, something clicked, and I knew I wanted to be an actor and my parents, to their credit, granted this 12 year old girl a chance to give it a try.

Twelve Quotes: "After age twelve, birthdays should be as private as hernia surgery."

After age twelve, birthdays should be as private as hernia surgery.

Twelve Quotes: "I always loved rapping ever since Snoop said "1-2-3-4," I was repeating lines, but I didn't start writing my own lyrics until I was twelve."

I always loved rapping ever since Snoop said "1-2-3-4," I was repeating lines, but I didn't start writing my own lyrics until I was twelve.

Twelve Quotes: "If things are going well I can easily spend twelve hours a day writing, but not writing writing, just thinking and revising and taking a comma out and putting it back in."

If things are going well I can easily spend twelve hours a day writing, but not writing writing, just thinking and revising and taking a comma out and putting it back in.

Twelve Quotes: "The first twelve years are the hardest."

The first twelve years are the hardest.

Twelve Quotes: "Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world."

Twelve million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world.

Twelve Quotes: "If a spiritual being is naive to the lower aspects of the world, they usually are killed or die young. Did Jesus really know which of the twelve would betray him? I doubt it."

If a spiritual being is naive to the lower aspects of the world, they usually are killed or die young. Did Jesus really know which of the twelve would betray him? I doubt it.

Twelve Quotes: "Among twelve apostles there must always be one who is as hard as stone, so that the new church may be built upon him."

Among twelve apostles there must always be one who is as hard as stone, so that the new church may be built upon him.

Twelve Quotes: "More advice. Don't go near the Old One. Do go near the Old One. Don't stay past twelve. Trust the Will. Don't trust the Will. I wish someone would tell me something straightforward for once."

More advice. Don't go near the Old One. Do go near the Old One. Don't stay past twelve. Trust the Will. Don't trust the Will. I wish someone would tell me something straightforward for once.

Twelve Quotes: "Now, I just made an animated movie a few years ago, 'The Tale of Desperaux', and that had twelve hundred shots in it. Twelve hundred CG shots is a pretty big plan."

Now, I just made an animated movie a few years ago, 'The Tale of Desperaux', and that had twelve hundred shots in it. Twelve hundred CG shots is a pretty big plan.

Twelve Quotes: "I recently bought a book of free verse. For twelve dollars."

I recently bought a book of free verse. For twelve dollars.

Twelve Quotes: "Shaw writes plays for the ages, the ages between five and twelve."

Shaw writes plays for the ages, the ages between five and twelve.

Twelve Quotes: "I had on my team a girl who at age twelve just missed the world mile record for her age group. But at 20 she just couldn't run."

I had on my team a girl who at age twelve just missed the world mile record for her age group. But at 20 she just couldn't run.

Twelve Quotes: "Kids as young as twelve CAN run 90 minutes, and they can train hard to run fast, BUT they lose something in training hard at that early age."

Kids as young as twelve CAN run 90 minutes, and they can train hard to run fast, BUT they lose something in training hard at that early age.

Twelve Quotes: "When it wishes anything done which is really serious, it collects twelve of the ordinary men standing round. The same thing was done, if I remember right, by the Founder of Christianity."

When it wishes anything done which is really serious, it collects twelve of the ordinary men standing round. The same thing was done, if I remember right, by the Founder of Christianity.

Twelve Quotes: "If God had meant us to go metric, why did he give Christ twelve apostles?"

If God had meant us to go metric, why did he give Christ twelve apostles?

Twelve Quotes: "A fortunate author can write maybe twelve novels in his lifetime."

A fortunate author can write maybe twelve novels in his lifetime.

Twelve Quotes: "Glory and fame mean twelve thousand francs' worth of paid articles in the newspapers and five thousand crowns' worth of dinners."

Glory and fame mean twelve thousand francs' worth of paid articles in the newspapers and five thousand crowns' worth of dinners.

Twelve Quotes: "In this age of Twitter and Snark every misstep gets posted online in twelve seconds."

In this age of Twitter and Snark every misstep gets posted online in twelve seconds.

Twelve Quotes: "The Great Gatsby' [...] was my 'Tom Sawyer' when I was twelve [....]"

The Great Gatsby' [...] was my 'Tom Sawyer' when I was twelve [....]

Twelve Quotes: "I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat."

I must admit, Peter, I have difficulty in understanding why an innocent man would want to spend twelve years as a rat.

Twelve Quotes: "We also mark what's ours. And as I'm not going to see you for twelve hours, I think I'll leave a little more all over you."

We also mark what's ours. And as I'm not going to see you for twelve hours, I think I'll leave a little more all over you.

Twelve Quotes: "I joke sometimes that I live a protracted adolescence, that a part of me will always be twelve years old."

I joke sometimes that I live a protracted adolescence, that a part of me will always be twelve years old.

Twelve Quotes: "All children are sweet at five. But at twelve they begin to get silly."

All children are sweet at five. But at twelve they begin to get silly.

Twelve Quotes: "This is a woman you've known less than twelve hours. It took you a year to pick out a couch, but you're seriously—" “Yes,” Roger said. “She's the one."

This is a woman you've known less than twelve hours. It took you a year to pick out a couch, but you're seriously—" “Yes,” Roger said. “She's the one.

Twelve Quotes: "This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring."

This is embarrassing and personal, but once a month, since I was twelve years old, I go to my favorite jewelry store and try on my dream ring.

Twelve Quotes: "Are you OLD?" "No. I'm only twelve. But I've been that for a long time."

Are you OLD?" "No. I'm only twelve. But I've been that for a long time.

Twelve Quotes: "What I find them struggling most isn't with one of the twelve [things from daily list]; I find them struggling with what decisions to make."

What I find them struggling most isn't with one of the twelve [things from daily list]; I find them struggling with what decisions to make.

Twelve Quotes: "I think the hardest thing for a person is to know what those twelve things are that they need to work on that will bring the return of success to their life."

I think the hardest thing for a person is to know what those twelve things are that they need to work on that will bring the return of success to their life.

Twelve Quotes: "A committee is twelve men doing the work of one."

A committee is twelve men doing the work of one.

Twelve Quotes: "Jesus Christ only had twelve, you know, and one of them was a double."

Jesus Christ only had twelve, you know, and one of them was a double.

Twelve Quotes: "Twelve million students take the PARCC or Smarter Balanced. Now, if 5 percent opt out, that creates - that triggers some restrictions, and 5 percent of 12 million is only 600,000."

Twelve million students take the PARCC or Smarter Balanced. Now, if 5 percent opt out, that creates - that triggers some restrictions, and 5 percent of 12 million is only 600,000.

Twelve Quotes: "How is it that the Church produced no geometer in her autocratic reign of twelve hundred years?"

How is it that the Church produced no geometer in her autocratic reign of twelve hundred years?

Twelve Quotes: "There are six Time Warp Trio books that would take a page each to fully praise. And I just thought up twelve more while I was typing this sentence."

There are six Time Warp Trio books that would take a page each to fully praise. And I just thought up twelve more while I was typing this sentence.

Twelve Quotes: "If the corn laws were altered, the British artisan might again be able to subsist by twelve hours' labour, a most desirable event."

If the corn laws were altered, the British artisan might again be able to subsist by twelve hours' labour, a most desirable event.

Twelve Quotes: "I gave up meat when I was twelve. & One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was pus and blood all over the place. That was enough for me."

I gave up meat when I was twelve. & One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was pus and blood all over the place. That was enough for me.

Twelve Quotes: "Suppose there aren't any more A + days once you get to be twelve? Wouldn't that be something! To spend the rest of your life looking for an A + day and not finding it."

Suppose there aren't any more A + days once you get to be twelve? Wouldn't that be something! To spend the rest of your life looking for an A + day and not finding it.

Twelve Quotes: "She'd met Colin on a Monday. She'd kissed him on a Friday. Twelve years later. She sighed. It seemed fairly pathetic."

She'd met Colin on a Monday. She'd kissed him on a Friday. Twelve years later. She sighed. It seemed fairly pathetic.

Twelve Quotes: "You still have," I looked at my watch, "twelve seconds to change your mind. Find someone else and save your reputation." One side of his lip cricked up. "I found you. I'll take my chances."

You still have," I looked at my watch, "twelve seconds to change your mind. Find someone else and save your reputation." One side of his lip cricked up. "I found you. I'll take my chances.

Twelve Quotes: "He had total love in his eyes when he performed. He was the total androgenous beauty. I would practice Elvis in front of the mirror when I was twelve or thirteen years old."

He had total love in his eyes when he performed. He was the total androgenous beauty. I would practice Elvis in front of the mirror when I was twelve or thirteen years old.