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Useless Quotes

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Useless Quotes: "You will hear words old and spent and useless like costumes left over from yesterday's parties."

You will hear words old and spent and useless like costumes left over from yesterday's parties.

Useless Quotes: "Courage is like the diamond,--very brilliant; not changed by fire, capable of high polish, but except for the purpose of cutting hard bodies useless."

Courage is like the diamond,--very brilliant; not changed by fire, capable of high polish, but except for the purpose of cutting hard bodies useless.

Useless Quotes: "If notwithstanding, a Rebellion of the same Kind now afflicts this Country, we should not infer that this Institution is useless, or should be laid aside; but just the Reverse."

If notwithstanding, a Rebellion of the same Kind now afflicts this Country, we should not infer that this Institution is useless, or should be laid aside; but just the Reverse.

Useless Quotes: "Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie."

Searching for a boy in high school is as useless as searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.

Useless Quotes: "I' tired of old people being labeled as worthless,useless,toothless and sexless"

I' tired of old people being labeled as worthless,useless,toothless and sexless

Useless Quotes: "People feel powerless and useless in the world. But they can buy something. It can give them a sense of value, of power"

People feel powerless and useless in the world. But they can buy something. It can give them a sense of value, of power

Useless Quotes: "In my better moments, I think of apathy as purpose's sleep. In my worse moments, when I'm trying to fix it or get rid of it, I call it feeling lazy, depressed, or useless."

In my better moments, I think of apathy as purpose's sleep. In my worse moments, when I'm trying to fix it or get rid of it, I call it feeling lazy, depressed, or useless.

Useless Quotes: "For those who do not wish to step away from consensus, the creative is useless at best; at worst, it is dangerous."

For those who do not wish to step away from consensus, the creative is useless at best; at worst, it is dangerous.

Useless Quotes: "Terror made me cruel; and finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on to the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes."

Terror made me cruel; and finding it useless to attempt shaking the creature off, I pulled its wrist on to the broken pane, and rubbed it to and fro till the blood ran down and soaked the bedclothes.

Useless Quotes: "Certainly it's nice to have historic moments like this but eventually somebody will break this record. We're aiming for the end result, otherwise the rest is useless."

Certainly it's nice to have historic moments like this but eventually somebody will break this record. We're aiming for the end result, otherwise the rest is useless.

Useless Quotes: "Sound waves do not die out. They travel forever and forever. All our sentences are immortal. Our useless bleatings circle the universe for all eternity."

Sound waves do not die out. They travel forever and forever. All our sentences are immortal. Our useless bleatings circle the universe for all eternity.

Useless Quotes: "Experts and specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are a source of useless nit-picking, the ferocious quibble over a comma."

Experts and specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are a source of useless nit-picking, the ferocious quibble over a comma.

Useless Quotes: "If the chi is being wasted by useless activities, emotions and associations that drain us, then we don't have enough power when it comes time to perform."

If the chi is being wasted by useless activities, emotions and associations that drain us, then we don't have enough power when it comes time to perform.

Useless Quotes: "It is useless to send armies against ideas."

It is useless to send armies against ideas.

Useless Quotes: "Half the sorrows of women would be averted if they could repress the speech they know to be useless-nay, the speech they have resolved not to utter."

Half the sorrows of women would be averted if they could repress the speech they know to be useless-nay, the speech they have resolved not to utter.

Useless Quotes: "Sepp Blatter and all of them lot Mr Platini I know he was a good player but he aint very good at what he does, I don’t think. I think he’s useless you can quote me on that."

Sepp Blatter and all of them lot Mr Platini I know he was a good player but he aint very good at what he does, I don’t think. I think he’s useless you can quote me on that.

Useless Quotes: "I wished that I...had no savvy at all. No savvy to cause me heartache. No savvy to make me hope, and then leave me useless."

I wished that I...had no savvy at all. No savvy to cause me heartache. No savvy to make me hope, and then leave me useless.

Useless Quotes: "Doubt is the tax man pays for the luxury of useless knowledge."

Doubt is the tax man pays for the luxury of useless knowledge.

Useless Quotes: "Before Christ comes it is useless to expect to see a perfect Church."

Before Christ comes it is useless to expect to see a perfect Church.

Useless Quotes: "Actors tend to get better with age. You start cutting away the useless stuff and achieving a point of effortlessness and simplicity, which is all you want to do, with any art at all."

Actors tend to get better with age. You start cutting away the useless stuff and achieving a point of effortlessness and simplicity, which is all you want to do, with any art at all.

Useless Quotes: "Sensible people find nothing useless."

Sensible people find nothing useless.

Useless Quotes: "L'homme est une passion inutile. Man is a useless passion."

L'homme est une passion inutile. Man is a useless passion.

Useless Quotes: "My books are primarily plot driven but the best plot in the world is useless if you don't populate them with characters that readers can care about."

My books are primarily plot driven but the best plot in the world is useless if you don't populate them with characters that readers can care about.

Useless Quotes: "Worry is wasteful and useless in times like these."

Worry is wasteful and useless in times like these.

Useless Quotes: "Useless people are not improved by giving them the impression that they are useful."

Useless people are not improved by giving them the impression that they are useful.

Useless Quotes: "It's useless to play lullabies for those who cannot sleep."

It's useless to play lullabies for those who cannot sleep.

Useless Quotes: "To practice Zen means to realize one's existence in the beauty and clarity of this present moment, rather than letting life unravel in useless daydreaming of the past and future."

To practice Zen means to realize one's existence in the beauty and clarity of this present moment, rather than letting life unravel in useless daydreaming of the past and future.

Useless Quotes: "If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can't know better until knowing better is useless."

If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can't know better until knowing better is useless.

Useless Quotes: "But we can't know better until knowing better is useless."

But we can't know better until knowing better is useless.

Useless Quotes: "You can't say life is useless because it ends in the grave."

You can't say life is useless because it ends in the grave.

Useless Quotes: "Old age deprives the intelligent man only of qualities useless to wisdom."

Old age deprives the intelligent man only of qualities useless to wisdom.

Useless Quotes: "Old age takes from the man of intellect no qualities save those that are useless to wisdom."

Old age takes from the man of intellect no qualities save those that are useless to wisdom.

Useless Quotes: "People are just the same. They like me if they need me, but once I'm useless, they abandon me. To survive, I need to be useful"

People are just the same. They like me if they need me, but once I'm useless, they abandon me. To survive, I need to be useful

Useless Quotes: "New Labour was the most short-sighted, self-serving, incompetent, useless, and ineffective government that Britain has ever known."

New Labour was the most short-sighted, self-serving, incompetent, useless, and ineffective government that Britain has ever known.

Useless Quotes: "When you can’t do something truly useful, you tend to vent the pent up energy in something useless but available, like snappy dressing."

When you can’t do something truly useful, you tend to vent the pent up energy in something useless but available, like snappy dressing.

Useless Quotes: "Excessive distrust is not less hurtfJul than its opposite. Most men become useless to him who is unwilling to risk being deceived."

Excessive distrust is not less hurtfJul than its opposite. Most men become useless to him who is unwilling to risk being deceived.

Useless Quotes: "Finance that only talks to itself & deals with each other becomes socially useless"

Finance that only talks to itself & deals with each other becomes socially useless

Useless Quotes: "Labour is good for a man, bracing up his energies to conquest, And without it life is dull, the man perceiving himself useless."

Labour is good for a man, bracing up his energies to conquest, And without it life is dull, the man perceiving himself useless.

Useless Quotes: "It would be as useless to perceive how things 'actually look' as it would be to watch the random dots on untuned television screens."

It would be as useless to perceive how things 'actually look' as it would be to watch the random dots on untuned television screens.

Useless Quotes: "The whole idea of ideas in art is useless. Only have ideas about form."

The whole idea of ideas in art is useless. Only have ideas about form.

Useless Quotes: "Try to live your life in a way that you will not regret years of useless virtue and inertia and timidity."

Try to live your life in a way that you will not regret years of useless virtue and inertia and timidity.

Useless Quotes: "The higher my GPA gets the more I realize high school is useless"

The higher my GPA gets the more I realize high school is useless

Useless Quotes: "There is nothing useless in nature; not even uselessness itself"

There is nothing useless in nature; not even uselessness itself

Useless Quotes: "Nature, keeping only useless secrets, had placed within reach and in sight of human beings the things it was necessary for them to know."

Nature, keeping only useless secrets, had placed within reach and in sight of human beings the things it was necessary for them to know.

Useless Quotes: "Celebrity is a weird appendage, which is useless unless you do something with it."

Celebrity is a weird appendage, which is useless unless you do something with it.

Useless Quotes: "I feel dead, wasted, awful, broken and useless. It's not the kind of feeling you forget."

I feel dead, wasted, awful, broken and useless. It's not the kind of feeling you forget.

Useless Quotes: "I can't see myself without pink lipstick. I can go without it for a couple of days, but if there was no more pink lipstick in this world, I'd be useless. Seriously."

I can't see myself without pink lipstick. I can go without it for a couple of days, but if there was no more pink lipstick in this world, I'd be useless. Seriously.

Useless Quotes: "Chatter about art is almost always useless."

Chatter about art is almost always useless.

Useless Quotes: "Talks on art are almost useless. The work which goes to bring progress in one's own subject is sufficient compensation for the incomprehension of imbeciles."

Talks on art are almost useless. The work which goes to bring progress in one's own subject is sufficient compensation for the incomprehension of imbeciles.