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Useless Quotes

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Useless Quotes: "I didn't want to do just another set of recipes. I think that's useless."

I didn't want to do just another set of recipes. I think that's useless.

Useless Quotes: "Like society, the diary is a world of useless secrets. Everything is there, yet there is nothing."

Like society, the diary is a world of useless secrets. Everything is there, yet there is nothing.

Useless Quotes: "There's nothing so useless than executing a task efficiently when it actually never should have been executed at all."

There's nothing so useless than executing a task efficiently when it actually never should have been executed at all.

Useless Quotes: "I know of no crime that has not been defended by the church, in one form or other. The church is not a pioneer; it accepts a new truth, last of all, and only when denial has become useless."

I know of no crime that has not been defended by the church, in one form or other. The church is not a pioneer; it accepts a new truth, last of all, and only when denial has become useless.

Useless Quotes: "If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless... nobody wants to be in it."

If you consider only utility, the things you build will soon be useless... nobody wants to be in it.

Useless Quotes: "The objective of education should be impressed on the children's minds. The academic education of today is shallow and useless because it has no value orientation."

The objective of education should be impressed on the children's minds. The academic education of today is shallow and useless because it has no value orientation.

Useless Quotes: "I think without writing I would feel completely useless."

I think without writing I would feel completely useless.

Useless Quotes: "The business of life summons us away from useless grief, and calls us to the exercise of those virtues of which we are lamenting our deprivation."

The business of life summons us away from useless grief, and calls us to the exercise of those virtues of which we are lamenting our deprivation.

Useless Quotes: "Conjecture as to things useful, is good; but conjecture as to what it would be useless to know, is very idle."

Conjecture as to things useful, is good; but conjecture as to what it would be useless to know, is very idle.

Useless Quotes: "Suspicion is very often a useless pain."

Suspicion is very often a useless pain.

Useless Quotes: "There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow."

There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow.

Useless Quotes: "There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow, but there is something in it so like virtue, that he who is wholly without it cannot be loved."

There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow, but there is something in it so like virtue, that he who is wholly without it cannot be loved.

Useless Quotes: "It seems that bad advice that's fun will always be better known than than good advice that's dull-no matter how useless that fun advice is."

It seems that bad advice that's fun will always be better known than than good advice that's dull-no matter how useless that fun advice is.

Useless Quotes: "Even if their child is useless, parents will not find them shameful. But if you're an outstanding child, you don't have the right to find your parents shameful."

Even if their child is useless, parents will not find them shameful. But if you're an outstanding child, you don't have the right to find your parents shameful.

Useless Quotes: "It's useless to send models out on the runway to cry."

It's useless to send models out on the runway to cry.

Useless Quotes: "I think we were all initially swept along with the Obama win, but he's proven to be simply a set of teeth, and useless in every other regard."

I think we were all initially swept along with the Obama win, but he's proven to be simply a set of teeth, and useless in every other regard.

Useless Quotes: "There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting"

There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting

Useless Quotes: "The ignorant are like useless, brackish soil; They exist and that is all."

The ignorant are like useless, brackish soil; They exist and that is all.

Useless Quotes: "And to say that society ought to be governed by the opinion of the wisest and best, though true, is useless. Whose opinion is to decide who are the wisest and best?"

And to say that society ought to be governed by the opinion of the wisest and best, though true, is useless. Whose opinion is to decide who are the wisest and best?

Useless Quotes: "So here hath been dawning Another blue day; Think, wilt thou let it Slip useless away? Out of eternity This new day is born, Into eternity At night will return."

So here hath been dawning Another blue day; Think, wilt thou let it Slip useless away? Out of eternity This new day is born, Into eternity At night will return.

Useless Quotes: "It would be useless for any player to attempt to explain successful batting."

It would be useless for any player to attempt to explain successful batting.

Useless Quotes: "Give to a being the useless, and deprive him of the needful, and you have the gamin."

Give to a being the useless, and deprive him of the needful, and you have the gamin.

Useless Quotes: "Egil Olsen should have gone six games ago. He was totally useless. I'd like to give him a right-hander!"

Egil Olsen should have gone six games ago. He was totally useless. I'd like to give him a right-hander!

Useless Quotes: "I am convinced that in the arts, committees are useless."

I am convinced that in the arts, committees are useless.

Useless Quotes: "Football strategy does not originate in a scrimmage: it is useless to expect solutions in a political campaign."

Football strategy does not originate in a scrimmage: it is useless to expect solutions in a political campaign.

Useless Quotes: "A man cannot sleep in his cradle: whatever is useful must in the nature of life become useless."

A man cannot sleep in his cradle: whatever is useful must in the nature of life become useless.

Useless Quotes: "The Spirit does not lead you to pray for useless goals."

The Spirit does not lead you to pray for useless goals.

Useless Quotes: "Golf is the most useless outdoor game ever devised to waste the time and try the spirit of man."

Golf is the most useless outdoor game ever devised to waste the time and try the spirit of man.

Useless Quotes: "I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us."

I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us.

Useless Quotes: "One grows out of pity when it's useless."

One grows out of pity when it's useless.

Useless Quotes: "The merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God's earth."

The merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God's earth.

Useless Quotes: "Molecular gastronomy is not bad... but without sound, basic culinary technique, it is useless."

Molecular gastronomy is not bad... but without sound, basic culinary technique, it is useless.

Useless Quotes: "When I am happy I am like a cat, sleek and purring, quite useless. It is when I am unhappy, with an ache perhaps in my heart, that I do my finest work."

When I am happy I am like a cat, sleek and purring, quite useless. It is when I am unhappy, with an ache perhaps in my heart, that I do my finest work.

Useless Quotes: "It will be found, as men grow more tolerant in their instincts, that many uniformities now insisted upon are useless and even harmful."

It will be found, as men grow more tolerant in their instincts, that many uniformities now insisted upon are useless and even harmful.

Useless Quotes: "Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?"

Power rests on the kind of knowledge one holds. What is the sense of knowing things that are useless?

Useless Quotes: "The most painful and jealously guarded secrets are perhaps the ones that everyone around us knows. Stupid tragedies. Useless tears."

The most painful and jealously guarded secrets are perhaps the ones that everyone around us knows. Stupid tragedies. Useless tears.

Useless Quotes: "It is useless either to hate or to love truth - but it should be noticed."

It is useless either to hate or to love truth - but it should be noticed.

Useless Quotes: "Guilt at least has a purpose; it tells us we've violated some ethical code. Ditto for remorse. Those feelings are educational; they manufacture wisdom. But regret-regret is useless."

Guilt at least has a purpose; it tells us we've violated some ethical code. Ditto for remorse. Those feelings are educational; they manufacture wisdom. But regret-regret is useless.

Useless Quotes: "Print neatly. That's the kind of advice that the IRS considers a "dynamite" tax tip. If you ask them a real tax question, such as how you can cheat, they're useless."

Print neatly. That's the kind of advice that the IRS considers a "dynamite" tax tip. If you ask them a real tax question, such as how you can cheat, they're useless.

Useless Quotes: "I don't have any experience with film schools. I suspect that they're useless, because I've had experience with drama schools, and have found them to be useless."

I don't have any experience with film schools. I suspect that they're useless, because I've had experience with drama schools, and have found them to be useless.

Useless Quotes: "Everything turns on pain; the rest is accessory, even nonexistent, for we remember only what hurts. Painful sensations being the only real ones, it is virtually useless to experience others."

Everything turns on pain; the rest is accessory, even nonexistent, for we remember only what hurts. Painful sensations being the only real ones, it is virtually useless to experience others.

Useless Quotes: "Great, lets round up all the useless cats and hope a tree falls on them - Jayfeather"

Great, lets round up all the useless cats and hope a tree falls on them - Jayfeather

Useless Quotes: "For it may safely be said, not that the habit of ready and correct observation will by itself make us useful nurses, but that without it we shall be useless with all our devotion."

For it may safely be said, not that the habit of ready and correct observation will by itself make us useful nurses, but that without it we shall be useless with all our devotion.

Useless Quotes: "To condemn spontaneous and delightful occupations because they are useless for self-preservation shows an uncritical prizing of life irrespective of its content."

To condemn spontaneous and delightful occupations because they are useless for self-preservation shows an uncritical prizing of life irrespective of its content.

Useless Quotes: "During many a single week, I daresay, more money is spent in New York upon useless and evil things than would suffice to run the kingdom of Denmark for a year."

During many a single week, I daresay, more money is spent in New York upon useless and evil things than would suffice to run the kingdom of Denmark for a year.

Useless Quotes: "Intelligence is not all that important in the exercise of power, and is often, in point of fact, useless."

Intelligence is not all that important in the exercise of power, and is often, in point of fact, useless.

Useless Quotes: "With useless endeavour Forever, forever, Is Sisyphus rolling His stone up the mountain!"

With useless endeavour Forever, forever, Is Sisyphus rolling His stone up the mountain!

Useless Quotes: "As Unto the bow the the cord is , So unto the man is woman; Though she bends him, she obeys him, Though she draws him , yet she follows: Useless each without the other."

As Unto the bow the the cord is , So unto the man is woman; Though she bends him, she obeys him, Though she draws him , yet she follows: Useless each without the other.

Useless Quotes: "Many men are stored full of unused knowledge. Like loaded guns that are never fired off, or military magazines in times of peace, they are stuffed with useless ammunition."

Many men are stored full of unused knowledge. Like loaded guns that are never fired off, or military magazines in times of peace, they are stuffed with useless ammunition.