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Value Quotes

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Value Quotes: "We should not be so taken up in the search for truth, as to neglect the needful duties of active life; for it is only action that gives a true value and commendation to virtue."

We should not be so taken up in the search for truth, as to neglect the needful duties of active life; for it is only action that gives a true value and commendation to virtue.

Value Quotes: "Yes, many immigrants cherish the value of choice and opportunity and the value of education more than 7th or 8th generation Americans."

Yes, many immigrants cherish the value of choice and opportunity and the value of education more than 7th or 8th generation Americans.

Value Quotes: "As nothing truly valuable can be attained without industry, so there can be no persevering industry without a deep sense of the value of time."

As nothing truly valuable can be attained without industry, so there can be no persevering industry without a deep sense of the value of time.

Value Quotes: "The churchyard is the market place where all things are rated at their true value, and those who are approaching it talk of the world and its vanities with a wisdom unknown before."

The churchyard is the market place where all things are rated at their true value, and those who are approaching it talk of the world and its vanities with a wisdom unknown before.

Value Quotes: "In the loss of an object we do not proportion our grief to the real value it bears, but to the value our fancies set upon it."

In the loss of an object we do not proportion our grief to the real value it bears, but to the value our fancies set upon it.

Value Quotes: "Our natural tendency is to project onto other people our own belief and value systems, in ways in which we are not even aware."

Our natural tendency is to project onto other people our own belief and value systems, in ways in which we are not even aware.

Value Quotes: "The true value of a big dream is who you must grow into to live that dream."

The true value of a big dream is who you must grow into to live that dream.

Value Quotes: "Already, China has undermined U.S. foreign policy in efforts to gain access to oil resources in Iran and Sudan. We simply cannot separate the political and economic values of oil."

Already, China has undermined U.S. foreign policy in efforts to gain access to oil resources in Iran and Sudan. We simply cannot separate the political and economic values of oil.

Value Quotes: "I really want be of great value for the team."

I really want be of great value for the team.

Value Quotes: "The real value of art is not always revealed by the price set upon it."

The real value of art is not always revealed by the price set upon it.

Value Quotes: "It is motive alone that gives real value to the actions of men, and disinterestedness puts the cap to it."

It is motive alone that gives real value to the actions of men, and disinterestedness puts the cap to it.

Value Quotes: "Honestly, what keeps me grounded is my faith and my value system."

Honestly, what keeps me grounded is my faith and my value system.

Value Quotes: "The mess of the human condition is that fundamental trust has not yet been realized. The true value of profound spiritual experience lies in the discovery of that fundamental trust."

The mess of the human condition is that fundamental trust has not yet been realized. The true value of profound spiritual experience lies in the discovery of that fundamental trust.

Value Quotes: "I believe that the true value of life lies in work, diligence and innovation. After all, work is the essence of humanity."

I believe that the true value of life lies in work, diligence and innovation. After all, work is the essence of humanity.

Value Quotes: "We do not attach any intrinsic value to the Cross; this would be sinful and idolatrous. Our veneration is referred to Him who died upon it."

We do not attach any intrinsic value to the Cross; this would be sinful and idolatrous. Our veneration is referred to Him who died upon it.

Value Quotes: "The earth only has so much bounty to offer and inventing ever larger and more notional prices for that bounty does not change its real value."

The earth only has so much bounty to offer and inventing ever larger and more notional prices for that bounty does not change its real value.

Value Quotes: "All wealth comes from adding value, from producing more, better, cheaper, faster, and easier than someone else."

All wealth comes from adding value, from producing more, better, cheaper, faster, and easier than someone else.

Value Quotes: "I don't like the phrase shock value. Surprise is essential in comedy, and if people are shocked by what I consider merely surprising, then that's their shock. But there is no joke without surprise."

I don't like the phrase shock value. Surprise is essential in comedy, and if people are shocked by what I consider merely surprising, then that's their shock. But there is no joke without surprise.

Value Quotes: "He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing."

He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing.

Value Quotes: "My own path towards wellness has been a long and dynamic one. It's taught me that healing from the inside out takes time and there can be great value in various sources of guidance."

My own path towards wellness has been a long and dynamic one. It's taught me that healing from the inside out takes time and there can be great value in various sources of guidance.

Value Quotes: "Productivity = creating value and delivering it to people. All other busywork is unproductive fluff and should be minimized."

Productivity = creating value and delivering it to people. All other busywork is unproductive fluff and should be minimized.

Value Quotes: "Posterity allows to every man his true value and proper honours."

Posterity allows to every man his true value and proper honours.

Value Quotes: "Young kids should be doing music that has shock value. They'll grow out of it."

Young kids should be doing music that has shock value. They'll grow out of it.

Value Quotes: "To make a quick buck, but over time, if you're not creating value for others, customers, society, isn't going to let you be around."

To make a quick buck, but over time, if you're not creating value for others, customers, society, isn't going to let you be around.

Value Quotes: "Let a man (as most men do) rate themselves as the highest Value they can; yet their true Value is no more than it is esteemed by others."

Let a man (as most men do) rate themselves as the highest Value they can; yet their true Value is no more than it is esteemed by others.

Value Quotes: "I've been on shows that go for shock value"

I've been on shows that go for shock value

Value Quotes: "The height of ability consists in a thorough knowledge of the real value of things, and of the genius of the age in which we live."

The height of ability consists in a thorough knowledge of the real value of things, and of the genius of the age in which we live.

Value Quotes: "How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others."

How good something is should never be determined by its cost, designer, origin, or its perceived value by others.

Value Quotes: "In this difficult era the most valuable commodity is the unfailing turn of the hours and how they retrieve for us the known harbor of yesterday."

In this difficult era the most valuable commodity is the unfailing turn of the hours and how they retrieve for us the known harbor of yesterday.

Value Quotes: "A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity."

A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.

Value Quotes: "I'm a big believer in what's called personalized medicine, which refers to customizing your health care to your specific needs based on your physiology, genetics, value system and unique conditions."

I'm a big believer in what's called personalized medicine, which refers to customizing your health care to your specific needs based on your physiology, genetics, value system and unique conditions.

Value Quotes: "I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value."

I think a power to do something is of value. Whether the result is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how it is used, but the power is a value.

Value Quotes: "I'm proud that today, at 43 years old, I've come to value the aging process and focus on inner rather than outer beauty."

I'm proud that today, at 43 years old, I've come to value the aging process and focus on inner rather than outer beauty.

Value Quotes: "The only way to get what you're worth is to stand out, to exert emotional labor, to be seen as indispensable, and to produce interactions that organizations and people care deeply about."

The only way to get what you're worth is to stand out, to exert emotional labor, to be seen as indispensable, and to produce interactions that organizations and people care deeply about.

Value Quotes: "Intrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research."

Intrinsic value follows meaning follows form follows economics follows function follows more economics follows market research.

Value Quotes: "The wise man is he who knows the relative value of things."

The wise man is he who knows the relative value of things.

Value Quotes: "Smile, it enhances your face value."

Smile, it enhances your face value.

Value Quotes: "The variation in the value of money, however great, makes no difference in the rate of profits."

The variation in the value of money, however great, makes no difference in the rate of profits.

Value Quotes: "Online hierarchies are inherently dynamic. The moment someone stops adding value to the community, his influence starts to wane."

Online hierarchies are inherently dynamic. The moment someone stops adding value to the community, his influence starts to wane.

Value Quotes: "One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No accomplishment of real value has ever been achieved by a human being working alone."

One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No accomplishment of real value has ever been achieved by a human being working alone.

Value Quotes: "I'm not easily offended. I have a pretty high tolerance for raunchiness or shock value, so I'm the wrong person to use as a gauge."

I'm not easily offended. I have a pretty high tolerance for raunchiness or shock value, so I'm the wrong person to use as a gauge.

Value Quotes: "Fiction is just that-fiction. Yes, it is serious business, but it should also be taken for face value. It's entertainment. It's escapism. It's 365 pages of relaxation."

Fiction is just that-fiction. Yes, it is serious business, but it should also be taken for face value. It's entertainment. It's escapism. It's 365 pages of relaxation.

Value Quotes: "Intrinsic value is not measured by how much money you make, it's measured by the size of the problem you solve."

Intrinsic value is not measured by how much money you make, it's measured by the size of the problem you solve.

Value Quotes: "The real value in everything you do is in the details."

The real value in everything you do is in the details.

Value Quotes: "I grew up in a very politically aware family. My mother always taught me to question everything, never believing anything simply at face value - especially the nicest, most adamant politicians."

I grew up in a very politically aware family. My mother always taught me to question everything, never believing anything simply at face value - especially the nicest, most adamant politicians.

Value Quotes: "What I value in life is quality rather then quantity."

What I value in life is quality rather then quantity.

Value Quotes: "Never take anything at face value. Dare to question and seek the truth."

Never take anything at face value. Dare to question and seek the truth.

Value Quotes: "A sense of the value of time... is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry."

A sense of the value of time... is an essential preliminary to efficient work; it is the only method of avoiding hurry.

Value Quotes: "I tell the audience every night, "I hope you didn't pay more than face value on that ticket, because we ain't worth more than that, and you ain't gonna get any more than that.""

I tell the audience every night, "I hope you didn't pay more than face value on that ticket, because we ain't worth more than that, and you ain't gonna get any more than that."