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Venture Quotes

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Venture Quotes: "Business by no means forbids pleasures; on the contrary, they reciprocally season each other; and I will venture to affirm, that no man enjoys either in perfection that does not join both."

Business by no means forbids pleasures; on the contrary, they reciprocally season each other; and I will venture to affirm, that no man enjoys either in perfection that does not join both.

Venture Quotes: "A venture not accomplished is loss; working together towards success is VICTORY!"

A venture not accomplished is loss; working together towards success is VICTORY!

Venture Quotes: "When a humorist ventures upon the grave concerns of life he must do his job better than another man or he works harm to his cause."

When a humorist ventures upon the grave concerns of life he must do his job better than another man or he works harm to his cause.

Venture Quotes: "There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign - the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity."

There are so many similarities between a startup venture and a political campaign - the rhythm, the tempo, the hours, the intensity.

Venture Quotes: "The payoff of a human venture is, in general, inversely proportional to what it is expected to be."

The payoff of a human venture is, in general, inversely proportional to what it is expected to be.

Venture Quotes: "I think 'Something Ventured' is a nice piece because it celebrates venture capital in a unique and powerful way."

I think 'Something Ventured' is a nice piece because it celebrates venture capital in a unique and powerful way.

Venture Quotes: "Amateurs... venture into scenes that a writer with more experience (and more professional concern) would bypass or eschew altogether."

Amateurs... venture into scenes that a writer with more experience (and more professional concern) would bypass or eschew altogether.

Venture Quotes: "A capitalist economy hums when leading businessmen are bubbling with animal spirits and are prepared to sink their money into risky ventures."

A capitalist economy hums when leading businessmen are bubbling with animal spirits and are prepared to sink their money into risky ventures.

Venture Quotes: "The healthier a new venture and the faster it grows, the more financial feeding it requires."

The healthier a new venture and the faster it grows, the more financial feeding it requires.

Venture Quotes: "I try getting in front of as many opportunities as possible, but in the late '90s, I had no idea that I'd end up being CFO of a technology company. I'd no idea what venture capital was."

I try getting in front of as many opportunities as possible, but in the late '90s, I had no idea that I'd end up being CFO of a technology company. I'd no idea what venture capital was.

Venture Quotes: "Could I be assured that America would remain virtuous, I would venture to defy the utmost Efforts of Enemies to subjugate her."

Could I be assured that America would remain virtuous, I would venture to defy the utmost Efforts of Enemies to subjugate her.

Venture Quotes: "My dear friend, venture to take the wind on your face for Christ."

My dear friend, venture to take the wind on your face for Christ.

Venture Quotes: "The venture community is largely male."

The venture community is largely male.

Venture Quotes: "I'm sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don't want to be a team owner."

I'm sure there will be business ventures and things down the road, but I definitely don't want to be a team owner.

Venture Quotes: "I'd love to venture into TV or do some gritty dramas - Guy Ritchie, that kind of thing."

I'd love to venture into TV or do some gritty dramas - Guy Ritchie, that kind of thing.

Venture Quotes: "Val- I’m on Bourbon– (Acheron) I will not venture down that street of crass iniquities and plebeian horror, Acheron. It is the cesspit of humanity. (Valerius)"

Val- I’m on Bourbon– (Acheron) I will not venture down that street of crass iniquities and plebeian horror, Acheron. It is the cesspit of humanity. (Valerius)

Venture Quotes: "Dare to be strong and courageous. That is the road. Venture anything. Be brave enough to dare to be loved. Be something more than man or woman. Be Tandy."

Dare to be strong and courageous. That is the road. Venture anything. Be brave enough to dare to be loved. Be something more than man or woman. Be Tandy.

Venture Quotes: "The more men have to lose, the less willing are they to venture."

The more men have to lose, the less willing are they to venture.

Venture Quotes: "I wouldn't venture to say which kind of sin is more prevalent. I wouldn't even want to try to characterize certain 'circles.'"

I wouldn't venture to say which kind of sin is more prevalent. I wouldn't even want to try to characterize certain 'circles.'

Venture Quotes: "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise."

Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise.

Venture Quotes: "People who swim very well in troubled waters are respected and celebrated than those who swim excellently in calm waters."

People who swim very well in troubled waters are respected and celebrated than those who swim excellently in calm waters.

Venture Quotes: "We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use."

We love being mentally strong, but we hate situations that allow us to put our mental strength to good use.

Venture Quotes: "When you were making excuses someone else was making enterprise."

When you were making excuses someone else was making enterprise.

Venture Quotes: "Where you dare to venture where you have not gone before, you will return somehow changed."

Where you dare to venture where you have not gone before, you will return somehow changed.

Venture Quotes: "Our education system often teaches us how to conform more than how to wonder and venture."

Our education system often teaches us how to conform more than how to wonder and venture.

Venture Quotes: "Leaders don't venture without vision. They don't pray without plans. They don't climb without clues. They are always prepared."

Leaders don't venture without vision. They don't pray without plans. They don't climb without clues. They are always prepared.

Venture Quotes: "Start thinking for yourself, ask 'why?' and even venture to say 'why should I?' and pretty soon you will have half the world at your throat for being a 'trouble maker'."

Start thinking for yourself, ask 'why?' and even venture to say 'why should I?' and pretty soon you will have half the world at your throat for being a 'trouble maker'.

Venture Quotes: "S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities"

S.T.O.P. = Start To Open Possibilities

Venture Quotes: "A bold attitude is what true leaders use to crash down failure before they venture with their visions!"

A bold attitude is what true leaders use to crash down failure before they venture with their visions!

Venture Quotes: "No struggle, no success! The strongest thunder strikes often bring the heaviest rainfall! The weight of your fulfillment depends on how wide you cast your nets!"

No struggle, no success! The strongest thunder strikes often bring the heaviest rainfall! The weight of your fulfillment depends on how wide you cast your nets!

Venture Quotes: "If you venture to be a sageLet your virtues subside your rageFor deep wisdom you’ll be veneratedLet cold veins feel blood cells generated"

If you venture to be a sageLet your virtues subside your rageFor deep wisdom you’ll be veneratedLet cold veins feel blood cells generated

Venture Quotes: "Nothing is finished unless it is started. So just start where you are."

Nothing is finished unless it is started. So just start where you are.

Venture Quotes: "Venture deep into the wilderness of lost thought to the point that you physically shiver with apprehension, and there you will find creativity"

Venture deep into the wilderness of lost thought to the point that you physically shiver with apprehension, and there you will find creativity

Venture Quotes: "An opportunist ventures nothing, believes in nothing and invests in nothing, therefore he ends with nothing."

An opportunist ventures nothing, believes in nothing and invests in nothing, therefore he ends with nothing.

Venture Quotes: "Go and venture! You should not give up after failures because this gift does not belong only to you"

Go and venture! You should not give up after failures because this gift does not belong only to you

Venture Quotes: "I’ll put it to you simply: love is the enemy. That’s my conclusion. We should all live in our little monk cells and never venture out ..."

I’ll put it to you simply: love is the enemy. That’s my conclusion. We should all live in our little monk cells and never venture out ...

Venture Quotes: "No new venture occurs without mistakes. Dare to learn and grow through your mistakes--this is how mastery occurs!"

No new venture occurs without mistakes. Dare to learn and grow through your mistakes--this is how mastery occurs!

Venture Quotes: "Amidst all the hype and hoopla around this business, I wanted to emphasize the challenge—it is seductive but the failure rate is very high. And those who fail have no good place to go."

Amidst all the hype and hoopla around this business, I wanted to emphasize the challenge—it is seductive but the failure rate is very high. And those who fail have no good place to go.

Venture Quotes: "Always be careful of where you run to. When the going gets tough, take it easy and slow down, else you venture into the den of lions."

Always be careful of where you run to. When the going gets tough, take it easy and slow down, else you venture into the den of lions.

Venture Quotes: "It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult."

It's not because things are difficult that we dare not venture. It's because we dare not venture that they are difficult.

Venture Quotes: "He was certifiably insane, an Ayn Rander who fancied himself an Übermensch and “the Singularity’s chosen avatar, "

He was certifiably insane, an Ayn Rander who fancied himself an Übermensch and “the Singularity’s chosen avatar,

Venture Quotes: "Every successful venture is based on an unoriginal idea, beautifully executed."

Every successful venture is based on an unoriginal idea, beautifully executed.

Venture Quotes: "For any scientist the real challenge is not to stay within the secure garden of the known but to venture out into the wilds of the unknown."

For any scientist the real challenge is not to stay within the secure garden of the known but to venture out into the wilds of the unknown.

Venture Quotes: "The need for some venture of faith still remains one must stake one's life upon something."

The need for some venture of faith still remains one must stake one's life upon something.