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View Quotes: "when a person implores you to be reasonable what he means is that you should speed round forthwith to his point of view."

when a person implores you to be reasonable what he means is that you should speed round forthwith to his point of view.

View Quotes: "You can't change t he wor ld f rom t he rear view mir ror."

You can't change t he wor ld f rom t he rear view mir ror.

View Quotes: "A lot of people telling the same story from their various points of view."

A lot of people telling the same story from their various points of view.

View Quotes: "The art of war in its highest point of view is policy."

The art of war in its highest point of view is policy.

View Quotes: "I was 30 when I did 'The Matrix.' When you turn 30, your life and your world view change. I remember feeling relieved - it was like I was seeing things in a deeper way."

I was 30 when I did 'The Matrix.' When you turn 30, your life and your world view change. I remember feeling relieved - it was like I was seeing things in a deeper way.

View Quotes: "From my point of view, photography never got any better than it was in 1840."

From my point of view, photography never got any better than it was in 1840.

View Quotes: "In mindfulness, breath can not play as not only reference point but point of view."

In mindfulness, breath can not play as not only reference point but point of view.

View Quotes: "I always knew I was attractive to girls just from the point of view that they liked me."

I always knew I was attractive to girls just from the point of view that they liked me.

View Quotes: "Sometimes presenting the most ignorant point of view can be the best way to satirize the issue and highlight that ignorance."

Sometimes presenting the most ignorant point of view can be the best way to satirize the issue and highlight that ignorance.

View Quotes: "Information, if viewed from the point of view of food, is never a production issue. ... It's a consumption issue, and we have to start thinking about how we create diets [and] exercise."

Information, if viewed from the point of view of food, is never a production issue. ... It's a consumption issue, and we have to start thinking about how we create diets [and] exercise.

View Quotes: "Changing your attitude from self-centerdness to understanding requires desire and commitment to always try to see things from the other persons point of view."

Changing your attitude from self-centerdness to understanding requires desire and commitment to always try to see things from the other persons point of view.

View Quotes: "You grow up Latin in this country and you're a third class citizen from the word go, and so you have to deal with everything around you from that point of view and trying to feel entitled."

You grow up Latin in this country and you're a third class citizen from the word go, and so you have to deal with everything around you from that point of view and trying to feel entitled.

View Quotes: "My world view has always been that there's just an enormous amount of cultural and religious diversity out there, all of which is really worth taking in."

My world view has always been that there's just an enormous amount of cultural and religious diversity out there, all of which is really worth taking in.

View Quotes: "People can get blinded by a sense of being comfortable or feeling secure, but that's quite a cynical point of view."

People can get blinded by a sense of being comfortable or feeling secure, but that's quite a cynical point of view.

View Quotes: "Truth is only a question of point of view."

Truth is only a question of point of view.

View Quotes: "From a public health point of view, still the overwhelming problem is that people are not treated enough for depression; depression remains under treated."

From a public health point of view, still the overwhelming problem is that people are not treated enough for depression; depression remains under treated.

View Quotes: "I do have a library of events I can talk about and I always expect to find a different point of view on it so even if I talk about the same event in the same town it's fresh."

I do have a library of events I can talk about and I always expect to find a different point of view on it so even if I talk about the same event in the same town it's fresh.

View Quotes: "Well, what is a blessing but a curse from another point of view?"

Well, what is a blessing but a curse from another point of view?

View Quotes: "[On New York City:] From a dating point of view, it's like a really large rummage sale - lots of strange items, but darned little that you'd want to take home."

[On New York City:] From a dating point of view, it's like a really large rummage sale - lots of strange items, but darned little that you'd want to take home.

View Quotes: "There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist. Their point of view is essential to a democratic debate."

There is nothing wrong with being a Marxist. Their point of view is essential to a democratic debate.

View Quotes: "Your opinion is nothing but your point of view."

Your opinion is nothing but your point of view.

View Quotes: "I was always more interested in story songs, things with a point of view... and things that informed me."

I was always more interested in story songs, things with a point of view... and things that informed me.

View Quotes: "Smash creative blocks. Change the problem or sneak up on it from a different direction. Try something fresh - a new way with an old theme, a different point of view, unusual tool."

Smash creative blocks. Change the problem or sneak up on it from a different direction. Try something fresh - a new way with an old theme, a different point of view, unusual tool.

View Quotes: "You will survive anything if you live your life from the point of view of truth."

You will survive anything if you live your life from the point of view of truth.

View Quotes: "It appears the Kochs are among the most defensive billionaires, preferring the comfy confines of their callous and intellectually dishonest world view."

It appears the Kochs are among the most defensive billionaires, preferring the comfy confines of their callous and intellectually dishonest world view.

View Quotes: "Every day there comes a moment when a person lays his hands in his lap and all his busyness collapses like ashes. The work accomplished is, from the soul's point of view, entirely imaginary."

Every day there comes a moment when a person lays his hands in his lap and all his busyness collapses like ashes. The work accomplished is, from the soul's point of view, entirely imaginary.

View Quotes: "It is the people who scream the loudest about America and Freedom who see to be the most intolerant for a differing point of view."

It is the people who scream the loudest about America and Freedom who see to be the most intolerant for a differing point of view.

View Quotes: "What is love? From the spiritual and inner point of view, love is self-expansion. Human love binds and is bound. Divine Love expands, enlarges itself."

What is love? From the spiritual and inner point of view, love is self-expansion. Human love binds and is bound. Divine Love expands, enlarges itself.

View Quotes: "Mr. Breschnev says we will bury you, I don't subscribe to that point of view. It seems like such an ignorant thing to do, if the Russians love their children, too."

Mr. Breschnev says we will bury you, I don't subscribe to that point of view. It seems like such an ignorant thing to do, if the Russians love their children, too.

View Quotes: "Granny Weatherwax was not a good loser. From her point of view, losing was something that happened to other people."

Granny Weatherwax was not a good loser. From her point of view, losing was something that happened to other people.

View Quotes: "Every intellectual product must be judged from the point of view of the age and the people in which it was produced."

Every intellectual product must be judged from the point of view of the age and the people in which it was produced.

View Quotes: "I must say Ive always composed music from the point of view of the performers."

I must say Ive always composed music from the point of view of the performers.

View Quotes: "I'd like to dial it back 5% or 10% and try to have a vacation that's not just e-mail with a view."

I'd like to dial it back 5% or 10% and try to have a vacation that's not just e-mail with a view.

View Quotes: "Italy and London are the only places where I don't feel to exist on sufferance."

Italy and London are the only places where I don't feel to exist on sufferance.

View Quotes: "Don't become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity."

Don't become a random photograph in the eyes of friends, and even your enemies, for each glance at your face will cause a declination of value and reputation. Create value, through scarcity.

View Quotes: "I have wanted you to see out of my eyes so many times."

I have wanted you to see out of my eyes so many times.

View Quotes: "I respect the view of a rating agency, but I do not make a budget for the rating agency. I make a budget for the people of India."

I respect the view of a rating agency, but I do not make a budget for the rating agency. I make a budget for the people of India.

View Quotes: "I view art as an inspirational tool."

I view art as an inspirational tool.

View Quotes: "The view of Earth is spectacular."

The view of Earth is spectacular.

View Quotes: "I think that people with differing points of view find common ground in 'Modern Family' is very flattering, and I'm appreciative of that."

I think that people with differing points of view find common ground in 'Modern Family' is very flattering, and I'm appreciative of that.

View Quotes: "France, after the month of May, will share trust with the current leadership of the United States which, on many subjects, has tended to take useful positions in our view."

France, after the month of May, will share trust with the current leadership of the United States which, on many subjects, has tended to take useful positions in our view.

View Quotes: "Technology has not only changed the way people are able to view movies, it has changed the way our industry produces and advertises movies."

Technology has not only changed the way people are able to view movies, it has changed the way our industry produces and advertises movies.

View Quotes: "From the outset, MoMA followed the Bauhaus's strict prohibition against design that even hinted at the decorative, a prejudice that skewed the pioneering museum's view of Modernism for decades."

From the outset, MoMA followed the Bauhaus's strict prohibition against design that even hinted at the decorative, a prejudice that skewed the pioneering museum's view of Modernism for decades.

View Quotes: "On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the goings-on in one's own town."

On a bike, being just slightly above pedestrian and car eye level, one gets a perfect view of the goings-on in one's own town.

View Quotes: "I think in general, romantic comedies tend to take one person's point of view, but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people."

I think in general, romantic comedies tend to take one person's point of view, but every once in a while you get something that is balanced for two people.

View Quotes: "Environmental disaster is the gravest threat to China's continued development. That's according to me, but it is not some wacko view."

Environmental disaster is the gravest threat to China's continued development. That's according to me, but it is not some wacko view.

View Quotes: "Every reminiscence is colored by the way things are today, and therefore by a delusive point of view."

Every reminiscence is colored by the way things are today, and therefore by a delusive point of view.

View Quotes: "To the truly ethical man, all of life is sacred, including forms of life that from the human point of view may seem lower than ours."

To the truly ethical man, all of life is sacred, including forms of life that from the human point of view may seem lower than ours.

View Quotes: "I think many articles in the New Yorker have a strong point of view, but they are so rigorously fact-checked. I wouldn't call them objective, but they feel fair."

I think many articles in the New Yorker have a strong point of view, but they are so rigorously fact-checked. I wouldn't call them objective, but they feel fair.