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Voice Quotes

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Voice Quotes: "Music was the voice I didn't have."

Music was the voice I didn't have.

Voice Quotes: "We cannot silence the voices that we do not like hearing. We can, however, do everything in our power to make certain that other voices are heard."

We cannot silence the voices that we do not like hearing. We can, however, do everything in our power to make certain that other voices are heard.

Voice Quotes: "Backup singers just bring so much more life to the situation. When a voice opens up, there comes the life.That's when it's a person-to-person connection."

Backup singers just bring so much more life to the situation. When a voice opens up, there comes the life.That's when it's a person-to-person connection.

Voice Quotes: "When ever I have a Problem, I just sing. Then I know my voice is a lot worse then my Problem."

When ever I have a Problem, I just sing. Then I know my voice is a lot worse then my Problem.

Voice Quotes: "George Jones may be gone but his music will live on forever. What a great voice and a great friend."

George Jones may be gone but his music will live on forever. What a great voice and a great friend.

Voice Quotes: "We need a data network that can easily carry voice, instead of what we have today, a voice network struggling to carry data."

We need a data network that can easily carry voice, instead of what we have today, a voice network struggling to carry data.

Voice Quotes: "Hikmah (Wisdom) is knowing when to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice."

Hikmah (Wisdom) is knowing when to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice.

Voice Quotes: "True solitude is found in the wild places, where one is without human obligation. One's inner voices become audible... In consequence, one responds more clearly to other lives."

True solitude is found in the wild places, where one is without human obligation. One's inner voices become audible... In consequence, one responds more clearly to other lives.

Voice Quotes: "We must never allow the voice of humanity within us to be silenced. It is humanity's sympathy with all creatures that first makes us truly human."

We must never allow the voice of humanity within us to be silenced. It is humanity's sympathy with all creatures that first makes us truly human.

Voice Quotes: "This is my voice. There are many like it, but this one is mine."

This is my voice. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Voice Quotes: "If you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it."

If you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it.

Voice Quotes: "The most beautiful voice in the world is that of an educated Southern woman."

The most beautiful voice in the world is that of an educated Southern woman.

Voice Quotes: "One person can stop a great injustice. One person can be a voice for truth. One person’s kindness can save a life."

One person can stop a great injustice. One person can be a voice for truth. One person’s kindness can save a life.

Voice Quotes: "My will broke at the sound of his voice, and my head turned with as much inevitability as a sunflower turning its face to the sun."

My will broke at the sound of his voice, and my head turned with as much inevitability as a sunflower turning its face to the sun.

Voice Quotes: "Film is very much a universal and common voice, and we can't limit it to one particular culture."

Film is very much a universal and common voice, and we can't limit it to one particular culture.

Voice Quotes: "Conscience, that vicegerent of God in the human heart, whose "still small voice" the loudest revelry cannot drown."

Conscience, that vicegerent of God in the human heart, whose "still small voice" the loudest revelry cannot drown.

Voice Quotes: "It is not the voice that commands the story: it is the ear."

It is not the voice that commands the story: it is the ear.

Voice Quotes: "Voice your position in God and you will be surrounded by all the resources of God in the time of trial."

Voice your position in God and you will be surrounded by all the resources of God in the time of trial.

Voice Quotes: "Change the voices in your head. Make them like you instead."

Change the voices in your head. Make them like you instead.

Voice Quotes: "There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice was adapted to an audience of liberal whites."

There has been only a civil rights movement, whose tone of voice was adapted to an audience of liberal whites.

Voice Quotes: "Jeff Sessions is the lone voice in the Senate."

Jeff Sessions is the lone voice in the Senate.

Voice Quotes: "The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but the most difficult to play."

The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but the most difficult to play.

Voice Quotes: "The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history."

The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history.

Voice Quotes: "Jazz stands for freedom. It's supposed to be the voice of freedom: Get out there and improvise, and take chances, and don't be a perfectionist - leave that to the classical musicians."

Jazz stands for freedom. It's supposed to be the voice of freedom: Get out there and improvise, and take chances, and don't be a perfectionist - leave that to the classical musicians.

Voice Quotes: "I'm one of those people who feels like I have to be strong for those people who may not be able to find that strength. I feel like I have to speak up for those people whose voices go unheard."

I'm one of those people who feels like I have to be strong for those people who may not be able to find that strength. I feel like I have to speak up for those people whose voices go unheard.

Voice Quotes: "Yet everything that touches us, me and you, takes us together like a violin's bow, which draws one voice out of two separate strings."

Yet everything that touches us, me and you, takes us together like a violin's bow, which draws one voice out of two separate strings.

Voice Quotes: "I am recognizing that the voice inside my head Is urging me to be myself, but never follow someone else Because opinions are like voices, we all have a different kind."

I am recognizing that the voice inside my head Is urging me to be myself, but never follow someone else Because opinions are like voices, we all have a different kind.

Voice Quotes: "Obey the voice within - it commands us to give of ourselves and help others. As long as we have the capacity to give, we are alive"

Obey the voice within - it commands us to give of ourselves and help others. As long as we have the capacity to give, we are alive

Voice Quotes: "Ella knows her way around her voice as very few people today. But there are times when she seems to be unaware there are things the human voice just doesn't do. She does them."

Ella knows her way around her voice as very few people today. But there are times when she seems to be unaware there are things the human voice just doesn't do. She does them.

Voice Quotes: "Don't write what you think people want to read. Find your voice and write about what's in your heart."

Don't write what you think people want to read. Find your voice and write about what's in your heart.

Voice Quotes: "Let your inner queen's voice come through loud and clear. Be strong, be authentic, be you, and you'll do her proud."

Let your inner queen's voice come through loud and clear. Be strong, be authentic, be you, and you'll do her proud.

Voice Quotes: "I write only because There is a voice within me That will not be still"

I write only because There is a voice within me That will not be still

Voice Quotes: "I had a good loud voice and I wasn't afraid to be goofy or zany."

I had a good loud voice and I wasn't afraid to be goofy or zany.

Voice Quotes: "Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the Beloved."

Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the Beloved.

Voice Quotes: "I have not contended for Democrat, Republican, Protestant or Baptist for an agent. I have worked for freedom, I have laboured to give my race a voice in the affairs of the nation."

I have not contended for Democrat, Republican, Protestant or Baptist for an agent. I have worked for freedom, I have laboured to give my race a voice in the affairs of the nation.

Voice Quotes: "Don’t spend most of your time on the voices that don’t count. Tune out the shallow voices so that you will have more time to tune in the valuable ones."

Don’t spend most of your time on the voices that don’t count. Tune out the shallow voices so that you will have more time to tune in the valuable ones.

Voice Quotes: "Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn't management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team's mission."

Management must speak with one voice. When it doesn't management itself becomes a peripheral opponent to the team's mission.

Voice Quotes: "If you're a voice for a community, then you're a voice for something more than yourself. I want to have an impact, because I don't want anybody to have to go through what I went through."

If you're a voice for a community, then you're a voice for something more than yourself. I want to have an impact, because I don't want anybody to have to go through what I went through.

Voice Quotes: "The real competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit"

The real competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit

Voice Quotes: "Most Christians don't hear God's voice because we've already decided we aren't going to do what He says."

Most Christians don't hear God's voice because we've already decided we aren't going to do what He says.

Voice Quotes: "It is my duty to voice the sufferings of humankind, the never-ending sufferings heaped mountain high. This is my task, but it is not an easy one to fulfill."

It is my duty to voice the sufferings of humankind, the never-ending sufferings heaped mountain high. This is my task, but it is not an easy one to fulfill.

Voice Quotes: "I love the voice - it’s the most perfect instrument ever heard. It’s God given."

I love the voice - it’s the most perfect instrument ever heard. It’s God given.

Voice Quotes: "We cannot have peace on Earth until we learn to speak with one voice. That voice must be the voice of reason, the voice of compassion, the voice of love. It is the voice of divinity within us."

We cannot have peace on Earth until we learn to speak with one voice. That voice must be the voice of reason, the voice of compassion, the voice of love. It is the voice of divinity within us.

Voice Quotes: "We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored."

We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.

Voice Quotes: "When the voice and the vision on the inside is more profound, and more clear and loud than all opinions on the outside, you've begun to master your life."

When the voice and the vision on the inside is more profound, and more clear and loud than all opinions on the outside, you've begun to master your life.

Voice Quotes: "There are times when silence is the best way to yell at the top of your voice."

There are times when silence is the best way to yell at the top of your voice.

Voice Quotes: "They who humble themselves before knowledge of any kind generally end up the wiser and as voices with something meaningful to say."

They who humble themselves before knowledge of any kind generally end up the wiser and as voices with something meaningful to say.

Voice Quotes: "One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting."

One day I promised God that if he would give me my voice back I would never smoke again. I got three octaves back after quitting.

Voice Quotes: "I want my house open to sun and wind and the voice of the sea, like a Greek temple, and light, light, light everywhere!"

I want my house open to sun and wind and the voice of the sea, like a Greek temple, and light, light, light everywhere!