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Warning Quotes

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Warning Quotes: "The universe is amply supplied with night."

The universe is amply supplied with night.

Warning Quotes: "History warns us ... that it is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions."

History warns us ... that it is the customary fate of new truths to begin as heresies and to end as superstitions.

Warning Quotes: "Just take this as a warning. Know that there's always a price for not being yourself."

Just take this as a warning. Know that there's always a price for not being yourself.

Warning Quotes: "If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image."

If a negative viewer looks at you with an ugly fiendish eye, find a way and pluck off his eyes, or better still, protect your good image.

Warning Quotes: "Warns, lies, liars and mysteries everything in one place what more awesome than that???Better check out Blindspot!"

Warns, lies, liars and mysteries everything in one place what more awesome than that???Better check out Blindspot!

Warning Quotes: "You would do well to guard your tongue, lest it be stricken from you."

You would do well to guard your tongue, lest it be stricken from you.

Warning Quotes: "Let the warning of the tyrants of the past be recognized for it shall be the same one ringing out when the tyrants of the present are unleashed."

Let the warning of the tyrants of the past be recognized for it shall be the same one ringing out when the tyrants of the present are unleashed.

Warning Quotes: "God always knows our conscious, if it's bad He will stricken it, if it's good He will keep it clear, if you have no conscious then you're dead to God."

God always knows our conscious, if it's bad He will stricken it, if it's good He will keep it clear, if you have no conscious then you're dead to God.

Warning Quotes: "Consider guilt like a street sign that warns of rough roads ahead if you don’t make a u-turn."

Consider guilt like a street sign that warns of rough roads ahead if you don’t make a u-turn.

Warning Quotes: "She finally understood why the monsters in the Forest always seemed to smile. Beasts only bared their teeth as a warning before they attack."

She finally understood why the monsters in the Forest always seemed to smile. Beasts only bared their teeth as a warning before they attack.

Warning Quotes: "Roaches should never trust humans. We’re all doomed."

Roaches should never trust humans. We’re all doomed.

Warning Quotes: "Do you not hear the loud gallop of the Storm-riders and the thunderous battle horn from their Heralds, coming from the high seas? Night falls, and so will you."

Do you not hear the loud gallop of the Storm-riders and the thunderous battle horn from their Heralds, coming from the high seas? Night falls, and so will you.

Warning Quotes: "Bless you. Be careful. Anyone intending to meddle with words needs such blessing, such warning."

Bless you. Be careful. Anyone intending to meddle with words needs such blessing, such warning.

Warning Quotes: "Behind every wolf in sheep's clothing is a trail of dead sheep - rjs"

Behind every wolf in sheep's clothing is a trail of dead sheep - rjs

Warning Quotes: "Woe to any sheep that hunts with wolves - rjs"

Woe to any sheep that hunts with wolves - rjs

Warning Quotes: "Things never go wrong at the moment you expect them to. When you're completely relaxed, oblivious to any potential dangers, that's when bad things happen."

Things never go wrong at the moment you expect them to. When you're completely relaxed, oblivious to any potential dangers, that's when bad things happen.

Warning Quotes: "It is a dangerous position to be in when you can't see, can't hear and won't listen..."

It is a dangerous position to be in when you can't see, can't hear and won't listen...

Warning Quotes: "Where did you think playing with angels was going to get you?"

Where did you think playing with angels was going to get you?

Warning Quotes: "The lovelorn came, too. The alone. The lunatics-they were brought here, sometimes. Got their name from the moon, it was only fair the moon had a chance to fix things."

The lovelorn came, too. The alone. The lunatics-they were brought here, sometimes. Got their name from the moon, it was only fair the moon had a chance to fix things.

Warning Quotes: "This is eternity, Antanasia, " he said, both warning and imploring. "Eternity."

This is eternity, Antanasia, " he said, both warning and imploring. "Eternity.

Warning Quotes: "You are Entering the Red Zone.Proceed at Own Risk.When in Doubt Run."

You are Entering the Red Zone.Proceed at Own Risk.When in Doubt Run.