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Weed Quotes

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Weed Quotes: "The richest genius, like the most fertile soil, when uncultivated, shoots up into the rankest weeds."

The richest genius, like the most fertile soil, when uncultivated, shoots up into the rankest weeds.

Weed Quotes: "A message to parents who think legalizing weed will make their kids want to try it: they will anyway."

A message to parents who think legalizing weed will make their kids want to try it: they will anyway.

Weed Quotes: "When bad things happen, it's the time when you get to work in the garden and sort out the pots from the weeds."

When bad things happen, it's the time when you get to work in the garden and sort out the pots from the weeds.

Weed Quotes: "Religion acts as a moral gardener, to weed out, or suppress, evil tendencies, which, like weeds and nettles, would shoot up spontaneously in the wonderful compost of the garden, if unwatched."

Religion acts as a moral gardener, to weed out, or suppress, evil tendencies, which, like weeds and nettles, would shoot up spontaneously in the wonderful compost of the garden, if unwatched.

Weed Quotes: "He who hunts for flowers will finds flowers; and he who loves weeds will find weeds."

He who hunts for flowers will finds flowers; and he who loves weeds will find weeds.

Weed Quotes: "The earth flourishes, or is overrun with noxious weeds and brambles, as we apply or withhold the cultivating hand. So fares it with the intellectual system of man."

The earth flourishes, or is overrun with noxious weeds and brambles, as we apply or withhold the cultivating hand. So fares it with the intellectual system of man.

Weed Quotes: "I'm not a great pothead or anything like that... but weed is much, much less dangerous than alcohol."

I'm not a great pothead or anything like that... but weed is much, much less dangerous than alcohol.

Weed Quotes: "We're just a weed in the universe"

We're just a weed in the universe

Weed Quotes: "I've been college, but to be truthfully frank, weed is knowledge because it makes me think"

I've been college, but to be truthfully frank, weed is knowledge because it makes me think

Weed Quotes: "The ideal is the flower-garden of the mind, and very apt to run to weeds unless carefully tended."

The ideal is the flower-garden of the mind, and very apt to run to weeds unless carefully tended.

Weed Quotes: "People’s souls are like gardens. You can’t turn your back on someone because his garden’s full of weeds. You have to give him water and lots of sunshine."

People’s souls are like gardens. You can’t turn your back on someone because his garden’s full of weeds. You have to give him water and lots of sunshine.

Weed Quotes: "The woman wears a floral print blouse with lots of leaves and pink flowers. Risa would like to attack her with a weed whacker."

The woman wears a floral print blouse with lots of leaves and pink flowers. Risa would like to attack her with a weed whacker.

Weed Quotes: "The ultimate 20-year plan is to be living in the Caribbean, writing, living off the land, eating from the ocean and probably smoking herb."

The ultimate 20-year plan is to be living in the Caribbean, writing, living off the land, eating from the ocean and probably smoking herb.

Weed Quotes: "Ingratitude's a weed of every clime, It thrives too fast at first, but fades in time."

Ingratitude's a weed of every clime, It thrives too fast at first, but fades in time.

Weed Quotes: "A weed is a plant that is not only in the wrong place, but intends to stay."

A weed is a plant that is not only in the wrong place, but intends to stay.

Weed Quotes: "I shall be dumped where the weed decays, And the rest is rust and stardust"

I shall be dumped where the weed decays, And the rest is rust and stardust

Weed Quotes: "The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness."

The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds; the heart that fails to cultivate truth and root out error will shortly be a theological wilderness.

Weed Quotes: "If the weeds are pulled out of the garden too soon, the too shallow roots of the plants developing around it get pulled up with the weed also. Time is what is needed before criticism can be useful."

If the weeds are pulled out of the garden too soon, the too shallow roots of the plants developing around it get pulled up with the weed also. Time is what is needed before criticism can be useful.

Weed Quotes: "But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned."

But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned.

Weed Quotes: "He who wants to keep his garden tidy doesn't reserve a plot for weeds."

He who wants to keep his garden tidy doesn't reserve a plot for weeds.

Weed Quotes: "I don't do drugs, though. Just weed."

I don't do drugs, though. Just weed.

Weed Quotes: "Yet, though it is like this, simply, flowers fall amid our longing and weeds spring up amid our antipathy."

Yet, though it is like this, simply, flowers fall amid our longing and weeds spring up amid our antipathy.

Weed Quotes: "What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place."

What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place.

Weed Quotes: "The heart of a man's like that delicate weed, / Which requires to be trampled on, boldly indeed / Ere it gives forth the fragrance you wish to extract."

The heart of a man's like that delicate weed, / Which requires to be trampled on, boldly indeed / Ere it gives forth the fragrance you wish to extract.

Weed Quotes: "....decay and disfavor came together as other parts of the coast were developed, and the canals became weed-clogged ditches breeding mosquitoes, and the hotels were turned into third-rate apartments."

....decay and disfavor came together as other parts of the coast were developed, and the canals became weed-clogged ditches breeding mosquitoes, and the hotels were turned into third-rate apartments.

Weed Quotes: "Weeds grow sometimes very much like flowers, and you can't tell the difference between true and false merely by the shape."

Weeds grow sometimes very much like flowers, and you can't tell the difference between true and false merely by the shape.

Weed Quotes: "Beware of flattery! 'tis a flowery weed, Which oft offends the very idol-vice, Whose shrine it would perfume."

Beware of flattery! 'tis a flowery weed, Which oft offends the very idol-vice, Whose shrine it would perfume.

Weed Quotes: "As is the garden such is the gardener. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds."

As is the garden such is the gardener. A man's nature runs either to herbs or weeds.

Weed Quotes: "The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust - almost anything."

The fuel of the future is going to come from fruit like that sumach out by the road, or from apples, weeds, sawdust - almost anything.

Weed Quotes: "A weed is no more than a flower in disguise, Which is seen through at once, if love give a man eyes."

A weed is no more than a flower in disguise, Which is seen through at once, if love give a man eyes.

Weed Quotes: "The first time I smoked was at home with my mother and stepfather; they were like, If you are going to do this, we'd rather you did this with us."

The first time I smoked was at home with my mother and stepfather; they were like, If you are going to do this, we'd rather you did this with us.

Weed Quotes: "If you don't sow your field what harvest other than thorns and weeds can you anticipate?"

If you don't sow your field what harvest other than thorns and weeds can you anticipate?

Weed Quotes: "I experimented with weed, Ecstasy, mushrooms and mescaline for about a year and a half."

I experimented with weed, Ecstasy, mushrooms and mescaline for about a year and a half.

Weed Quotes: "It may be a weed instead of a fish that, after all my labour, I at last pull up."

It may be a weed instead of a fish that, after all my labour, I at last pull up.

Weed Quotes: "Invention is a flower, innovation is a weed."

Invention is a flower, innovation is a weed.

Weed Quotes: "In the deep shadow of the porch A slender bind-weed springs, And climbs, like airy acrobat, The trellises, and swings And dances in the golden sun In fairy loops and rings."

In the deep shadow of the porch A slender bind-weed springs, And climbs, like airy acrobat, The trellises, and swings And dances in the golden sun In fairy loops and rings.

Weed Quotes: "I hear the weed is really strong in California."

I hear the weed is really strong in California.

Weed Quotes: "For Zen students, a weed is a treasure."

For Zen students, a weed is a treasure.

Weed Quotes: "Suspicion and persecution are weeds of the same dunghill, and flourish best together."

Suspicion and persecution are weeds of the same dunghill, and flourish best together.

Weed Quotes: "Will I, succeed, paranoid from the weed and hocus pocus, try to focus but I can't see."

Will I, succeed, paranoid from the weed and hocus pocus, try to focus but I can't see.

Weed Quotes: "On no other ground Can I sow my seed Without tearing up Some stinking weed."

On no other ground Can I sow my seed Without tearing up Some stinking weed.

Weed Quotes: "You've got to be careful smoking weed. It causes memory loss. And also, it causes memory loss."

You've got to be careful smoking weed. It causes memory loss. And also, it causes memory loss.

Weed Quotes: "I actually don't smoke weed, but I've played a lot of stoners - especially with Seth Rogen."

I actually don't smoke weed, but I've played a lot of stoners - especially with Seth Rogen.

Weed Quotes: "Well, the first two days in prison, I had to go through what life is like when you've been smoking weed for as long as I have and then you stop. Emotionally, it was like I didn't know myself."

Well, the first two days in prison, I had to go through what life is like when you've been smoking weed for as long as I have and then you stop. Emotionally, it was like I didn't know myself.

Weed Quotes: "FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed - it is hardy, occasionally blooms, and grows in every computer."

FORTRAN is not a flower but a weed - it is hardy, occasionally blooms, and grows in every computer.

Weed Quotes: "In fierce March weather White waves break tether, And whirled together At either hand, Like weeds uplifted, The tree-trunks rifted In spars are drifted, Like foam or sand."

In fierce March weather White waves break tether, And whirled together At either hand, Like weeds uplifted, The tree-trunks rifted In spars are drifted, Like foam or sand.

Weed Quotes: "Roots of the weed sucked first life from the genesis of earth and hold the essence of it still. Always the weed returns; the cultured plant retreats before it."

Roots of the weed sucked first life from the genesis of earth and hold the essence of it still. Always the weed returns; the cultured plant retreats before it.

Weed Quotes: "I couldn't run for any office. I think that religion is bad, weed is good, and babies are disgusting; who would vote for me?"

I couldn't run for any office. I think that religion is bad, weed is good, and babies are disgusting; who would vote for me?

Weed Quotes: "Weed's not as bad as everything else... 'cause weed is a background substance. You know what I mean, you can smoke some herb and still function. You ain't crisp... but you'll function."

Weed's not as bad as everything else... 'cause weed is a background substance. You know what I mean, you can smoke some herb and still function. You ain't crisp... but you'll function.