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Weed Quotes

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Weed Quotes: "Back in the old days we used to smoke J's and got so blazed we called it the stone age"

Back in the old days we used to smoke J's and got so blazed we called it the stone age

Weed Quotes: "Some men, under the notion of weeding out prejudice, eradicate virtue, honesty and religion."

Some men, under the notion of weeding out prejudice, eradicate virtue, honesty and religion.

Weed Quotes: "A pathetic shadow, torn between her envy and thrill of being seen with Masomma, sharing in the attention as a weed would, lapping up water meant for the lily upstream."

A pathetic shadow, torn between her envy and thrill of being seen with Masomma, sharing in the attention as a weed would, lapping up water meant for the lily upstream.

Weed Quotes: "So we listen. We add up associations of people with people. When a push against Scientology starts somewhere, we go over the people involved and weed them out. Push vanishes."

So we listen. We add up associations of people with people. When a push against Scientology starts somewhere, we go over the people involved and weed them out. Push vanishes.

Weed Quotes: "A weed is a plant whose virtue is not yet known."

A weed is a plant whose virtue is not yet known.

Weed Quotes: "Unless you remove the weeds, a good crop will be ruined."

Unless you remove the weeds, a good crop will be ruined.

Weed Quotes: "I've never really had any trouble coming up with ideas; they just grow, like weeds. The weeding is the hard part."

I've never really had any trouble coming up with ideas; they just grow, like weeds. The weeding is the hard part.

Weed Quotes: "The oat is the Horatio Alger of cereals, which progressed, if not from rags to riches, at least from weed to health food."

The oat is the Horatio Alger of cereals, which progressed, if not from rags to riches, at least from weed to health food.

Weed Quotes: "Your mind is like a garden - unless you cultivate flowers, weeds will flourish. To keep your mind positive, substitute positive thoughts for negative thoughts."

Your mind is like a garden - unless you cultivate flowers, weeds will flourish. To keep your mind positive, substitute positive thoughts for negative thoughts.

Weed Quotes: "An ill weed grows apace."

An ill weed grows apace.

Weed Quotes: "Man is by definition the first and primary weed under whose influence all other weeds have evolved."

Man is by definition the first and primary weed under whose influence all other weeds have evolved.

Weed Quotes: "Where soil is, men grow, Whether to weeds or flowers."

Where soil is, men grow, Whether to weeds or flowers.

Weed Quotes: "The man who accepts the laissez-faire doctrine would allow his garden to grow wild so that roses might fight it out with the weeds and the fittest might survive."

The man who accepts the laissez-faire doctrine would allow his garden to grow wild so that roses might fight it out with the weeds and the fittest might survive.

Weed Quotes: "You ignorant little slug!" the Trunchbull bellowed. "You witless weed! You empty-headed hamster! You stupid glob of glue!"

You ignorant little slug!" the Trunchbull bellowed. "You witless weed! You empty-headed hamster! You stupid glob of glue!

Weed Quotes: "The original idea [ of the Pineapple Express] came from Judd [Apatow] actually. He just kind of had the loose notion of like, 'What about a weed action movie?'."

The original idea [ of the Pineapple Express] came from Judd [Apatow] actually. He just kind of had the loose notion of like, 'What about a weed action movie?'.

Weed Quotes: "Like paths and alleys overgrown with hardy, rank-growing weeds, the words we use are overgrown with our individual, private, provincial associations, which tend to choke the meaning."

Like paths and alleys overgrown with hardy, rank-growing weeds, the words we use are overgrown with our individual, private, provincial associations, which tend to choke the meaning.

Weed Quotes: "If we don't consciously plant the seeds of what we want in the gardens of our minds we'll end up with weeds."

If we don't consciously plant the seeds of what we want in the gardens of our minds we'll end up with weeds.

Weed Quotes: "Now 'tis spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden."

Now 'tis spring, and weeds are shallow-rooted; Suffer them now and they'll o'ergrow the garden.

Weed Quotes: "Here in New York City you can now walk around smoking weed and all they will do if they see you is write you a ticket. Unfortunately, the ticket will be to a Jets game."

Here in New York City you can now walk around smoking weed and all they will do if they see you is write you a ticket. Unfortunately, the ticket will be to a Jets game.

Weed Quotes: "Follow me and do exactly what the song says Smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people And drink and jump behind the wheel like it was still legal."

Follow me and do exactly what the song says Smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school, kill people And drink and jump behind the wheel like it was still legal.

Weed Quotes: "I didn't start smoking weed till my junior year. I had a boyfriend who smoked a lot, and I was like, "Oh, I guess I'm moving on to this phase of life." I didn't fight it at all."

I didn't start smoking weed till my junior year. I had a boyfriend who smoked a lot, and I was like, "Oh, I guess I'm moving on to this phase of life." I didn't fight it at all.

Weed Quotes: "I made a deal with myself that whenever I smoke weed, I have to be doing something productive: writing, recording, cutting a podcast, editing, etc."

I made a deal with myself that whenever I smoke weed, I have to be doing something productive: writing, recording, cutting a podcast, editing, etc.

Weed Quotes: "You'll always see me at a political rally and the black strip club; I'm gonna represent smoking weed and supporting Trayvon Martin on my record, because I'm a whole man."

You'll always see me at a political rally and the black strip club; I'm gonna represent smoking weed and supporting Trayvon Martin on my record, because I'm a whole man.

Weed Quotes: "Proceed to not smoke weed around the seed."

Proceed to not smoke weed around the seed.

Weed Quotes: "Оf course you can only write comedy when you're smoking weed."

Оf course you can only write comedy when you're smoking weed.

Weed Quotes: "In words, like weeds, I'll wrap me o'er, Like coarsest clothes against the cold"

In words, like weeds, I'll wrap me o'er, Like coarsest clothes against the cold

Weed Quotes: "Every theory in medicine, if medicine is to remain healthy, must be beaten out on the anvil of skepticism. So do we weed out charlatanism."

Every theory in medicine, if medicine is to remain healthy, must be beaten out on the anvil of skepticism. So do we weed out charlatanism.

Weed Quotes: "Crabgrass is aptly descriptive of this hated weed, for it does scuttle quickly through a lawn."

Crabgrass is aptly descriptive of this hated weed, for it does scuttle quickly through a lawn.

Weed Quotes: "Good manners, Madam, are had these days not For your asking, nor mine, nor what-we-used-to-be's. The day is a loud grenade that bursts a smile Of serious weeds in a comic lily plot."

Good manners, Madam, are had these days not For your asking, nor mine, nor what-we-used-to-be's. The day is a loud grenade that bursts a smile Of serious weeds in a comic lily plot.

Weed Quotes: "I'm not saying find someone and ask them if you can mow their grass for ten dollars. I'm saying find weeds that need pulling and pull them."

I'm not saying find someone and ask them if you can mow their grass for ten dollars. I'm saying find weeds that need pulling and pull them.

Weed Quotes: "... the one that has the worst effect for me was pot. I felt silly and giggly - I hate feeling like that."

... the one that has the worst effect for me was pot. I felt silly and giggly - I hate feeling like that.

Weed Quotes: "Farmers are patient men. They got to be. Got to see those seeds come up week by week, fraction by fraction, and sweat it out for some days not knowing yet is it weeds or vegetables."

Farmers are patient men. They got to be. Got to see those seeds come up week by week, fraction by fraction, and sweat it out for some days not knowing yet is it weeds or vegetables.

Weed Quotes: "Unfortunately, in the very act of weeding, you make it possible for new weeds to grow."

Unfortunately, in the very act of weeding, you make it possible for new weeds to grow.

Weed Quotes: "There are a shitload of songs about being in love with someone who doesn't love you back and I talk about weed and my cat and being lazy a lot."

There are a shitload of songs about being in love with someone who doesn't love you back and I talk about weed and my cat and being lazy a lot.

Weed Quotes: "Pot always just made me sleepy."

Pot always just made me sleepy.

Weed Quotes: "Guilt implanted at a tender age is not easy to destroy. A weed, it sprouts in unexpected places."

Guilt implanted at a tender age is not easy to destroy. A weed, it sprouts in unexpected places.

Weed Quotes: "I think I try to do a lot of things to weed out casual fans."

I think I try to do a lot of things to weed out casual fans.

Weed Quotes: "You are always training yourself to be, mind and body, as clear as crystal, and you always are, and never change; whereas I am a muddy, solitary, moping weed."

You are always training yourself to be, mind and body, as clear as crystal, and you always are, and never change; whereas I am a muddy, solitary, moping weed.

Weed Quotes: "I cultivate my flowers and burn my weeds."

I cultivate my flowers and burn my weeds.

Weed Quotes: "When I was 16, the pot weeded out the men from the boys, there were the heads and the straights. Now it's almost like money can weed it out, you know?"

When I was 16, the pot weeded out the men from the boys, there were the heads and the straights. Now it's almost like money can weed it out, you know?

Weed Quotes: "Cats appear to have a wonderful ability to weed out everything they don't need to know, while honing in on what is important to them."

Cats appear to have a wonderful ability to weed out everything they don't need to know, while honing in on what is important to them.

Weed Quotes: "What is wrong with me i just bought a bag of weed from an infant."

What is wrong with me i just bought a bag of weed from an infant.

Weed Quotes: "It is not hard to change when your biggest problem is whether the weeds prosper in a vegetable patch."

It is not hard to change when your biggest problem is whether the weeds prosper in a vegetable patch.

Weed Quotes: "We smoked a lot of weed together [with Seth Rogen and Jason Segel]. Lonely potheads will literally spend every day with each other until they get a girlfriend. That's essentially what happened."

We smoked a lot of weed together [with Seth Rogen and Jason Segel]. Lonely potheads will literally spend every day with each other until they get a girlfriend. That's essentially what happened.

Weed Quotes: "I went through one period when I smoked a surprising, a really breath-taking, amount of grass almost every night."

I went through one period when I smoked a surprising, a really breath-taking, amount of grass almost every night.

Weed Quotes: "Gardening can become a spiritual exercise, teaching us discernment as we eliminate the weeds from our lives, giving what we value room to grow."

Gardening can become a spiritual exercise, teaching us discernment as we eliminate the weeds from our lives, giving what we value room to grow.

Weed Quotes: "I made some jokes about weed, got some laughs, made some more jokes, got some more laughs; next thing you know, I'm telling a lot of jokes about it."

I made some jokes about weed, got some laughs, made some more jokes, got some more laughs; next thing you know, I'm telling a lot of jokes about it.

Weed Quotes: "I feel like weed is still taboo enough to be cool but not taboo enough that you have to totally hide it, which is like a pretty good place for an entity to be at."

I feel like weed is still taboo enough to be cool but not taboo enough that you have to totally hide it, which is like a pretty good place for an entity to be at.

Weed Quotes: "i shall imagine life is not worth dying,if (and when)roses complain their beauties are in vain but though mankind persuades itself that every weed's a rose,roses(you feel certain)will only smile"

i shall imagine life is not worth dying,if (and when)roses complain their beauties are in vain but though mankind persuades itself that every weed's a rose,roses(you feel certain)will only smile