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Window Quotes

Find the best Window quotes with images from our collection at QuotesLyfe. You can download, copy and even share it on Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Linkedin, Pinterst, Reddit, etc. with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The available pictures of Window quotes can be used as your mobile or desktop wallpaper or screensaver. Also, remember to explore the Window quote of the day.

Window Quotes: "Do I have to use my feet? Can I knock the window out with my head?"

Do I have to use my feet? Can I knock the window out with my head?

Window Quotes: "Maybe 50 or 60 percent of all divorces are predicated on someone's being physically unfit. Who wants to live with negativism? Love goes out the window."

Maybe 50 or 60 percent of all divorces are predicated on someone's being physically unfit. Who wants to live with negativism? Love goes out the window.

Window Quotes: "I used to be a window cleaner. I got fired because I sometimes liked to drink the soapy water."

I used to be a window cleaner. I got fired because I sometimes liked to drink the soapy water.

Window Quotes: "Public order is a fragile thing, and if you don't fix the first broken window, soon all the windows will be broken."

Public order is a fragile thing, and if you don't fix the first broken window, soon all the windows will be broken.

Window Quotes: "Drummers are conductors - we set the pace for the music - so if you're not relaxed and feeling right, the whole thing goes out the window."

Drummers are conductors - we set the pace for the music - so if you're not relaxed and feeling right, the whole thing goes out the window.

Window Quotes: "It's not like Windows users don't have any power. I think they are happy with Windows, and that's an incredibly depressing thought"

It's not like Windows users don't have any power. I think they are happy with Windows, and that's an incredibly depressing thought

Window Quotes: "As long as you have a window, life is exciting."

As long as you have a window, life is exciting.

Window Quotes: "Without going out of my door, I can know all things on earth. Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven. The farther one travels, The less one knows, the less one really knows."

Without going out of my door, I can know all things on earth. Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven. The farther one travels, The less one knows, the less one really knows.

Window Quotes: "But when I wasn't working, I was usually at a window looking down at Earth."

But when I wasn't working, I was usually at a window looking down at Earth.

Window Quotes: "St. Paul's Chapel stands - without so much as a broken window. Little miracle."

St. Paul's Chapel stands - without so much as a broken window. Little miracle.

Window Quotes: "When an acquaintance goes by I often step back from my window, not so much to spare him the effort of acknowledging me as to spare myself the embarrassment of seeing that he has not done so."

When an acquaintance goes by I often step back from my window, not so much to spare him the effort of acknowledging me as to spare myself the embarrassment of seeing that he has not done so.

Window Quotes: "If I was as rich as Rockefeller I'd be richer than Rockefeller, because I'd do a bit of window cleaning on the side."

If I was as rich as Rockefeller I'd be richer than Rockefeller, because I'd do a bit of window cleaning on the side.

Window Quotes: "Today I have so much to do: I must kill memory once and for all, I must turn my soul to stone, I must learn to live again. Unless ... Summer's ardent rustling is like a festival outside my window."

Today I have so much to do: I must kill memory once and for all, I must turn my soul to stone, I must learn to live again. Unless ... Summer's ardent rustling is like a festival outside my window.

Window Quotes: "The Indians long ago knew that music was going on permanently and that hearing it was like looking out a window at a landscape which didn't stop when one turned away."

The Indians long ago knew that music was going on permanently and that hearing it was like looking out a window at a landscape which didn't stop when one turned away.

Window Quotes: "When a window closes another one opens"

When a window closes another one opens

Window Quotes: "Photography is more than a window for me. Photography is more like a space that tries to capture situations."

Photography is more than a window for me. Photography is more like a space that tries to capture situations.

Window Quotes: "Might I trouble you to open the window, for chloroform vapour does not help the palate."

Might I trouble you to open the window, for chloroform vapour does not help the palate.

Window Quotes: "My window fogs and this makes me feel like there is no world outside of the car."

My window fogs and this makes me feel like there is no world outside of the car.

Window Quotes: "Many people leave the country to see beautiful places. I just look out the window and see some of the most gorgeous scenery ever, right here in the USA."

Many people leave the country to see beautiful places. I just look out the window and see some of the most gorgeous scenery ever, right here in the USA.

Window Quotes: "We have to face it: in America today the way to have fun and celebrate is to break a store window and take something. That's the way it is, today in America, and we have to accept it"

We have to face it: in America today the way to have fun and celebrate is to break a store window and take something. That's the way it is, today in America, and we have to accept it

Window Quotes: "A face at the window, a tap on the pane, who is it that wants me tonight in the rain?"

A face at the window, a tap on the pane, who is it that wants me tonight in the rain?

Window Quotes: "Staring at the blank page before you, Open up the dirty window, Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find."

Staring at the blank page before you, Open up the dirty window, Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find.

Window Quotes: "If there was a distraction I'd get up and jump out the window. I was quite out of hand. In schools like that I don't think they expect that girls are going to behave in such an outrageous fashion."

If there was a distraction I'd get up and jump out the window. I was quite out of hand. In schools like that I don't think they expect that girls are going to behave in such an outrageous fashion.

Window Quotes: "Unless you are unique, your opinion goes out the window."

Unless you are unique, your opinion goes out the window.

Window Quotes: "Goals incapable of attainment have driven many a man to despair, but despair is easier to get to than that -- one need merely look out of the window, for example."

Goals incapable of attainment have driven many a man to despair, but despair is easier to get to than that -- one need merely look out of the window, for example.

Window Quotes: "When God closes a door, he opens a window. Sounds to me like he's on the toilet."

When God closes a door, he opens a window. Sounds to me like he's on the toilet.

Window Quotes: "On an otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American Dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window."

On an otherwise normal Tuesday evening I had the chance to live the American Dream. I was able to throw my incompetent jackass of a boss from a fourteenth-story window.

Window Quotes: "Conscience is the window of our spirit, evil is the curtain."

Conscience is the window of our spirit, evil is the curtain.

Window Quotes: "Without stirring abroad, One can know the whole world; Without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. The further one goes The less one knows."

Without stirring abroad, One can know the whole world; Without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. The further one goes The less one knows.

Window Quotes: "Either you vegetate and look out a window, or activate and try to effect change."

Either you vegetate and look out a window, or activate and try to effect change.

Window Quotes: "Those to whom worshiping is a window, to open but also to shut, have not yet visited the house of their souls whose windows are open from dawn to dawn."

Those to whom worshiping is a window, to open but also to shut, have not yet visited the house of their souls whose windows are open from dawn to dawn.

Window Quotes: "I felt more like a scientist exploring nature, and Windows was my environment. You dont pass judgment on nature; you just explain how it works."

I felt more like a scientist exploring nature, and Windows was my environment. You dont pass judgment on nature; you just explain how it works.

Window Quotes: "When I got the job on 'Lost,' I was a broke university student living in the crappiest part of town, with a duct-taped back window on a broken-down car. I existed on peanut butter and tea."

When I got the job on 'Lost,' I was a broke university student living in the crappiest part of town, with a duct-taped back window on a broken-down car. I existed on peanut butter and tea.

Window Quotes: "I was a window dresser for Burton's once. What really put me off was the area manager coming round and saying, Charles, I think you're a natch at this."

I was a window dresser for Burton's once. What really put me off was the area manager coming round and saying, Charles, I think you're a natch at this.

Window Quotes: ""Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?" asked Simon. "No," Jace said. "Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it.""

"Is standing by the window muttering about blood something he does all the time?" asked Simon. "No," Jace said. "Sometimes he sits on the couch and does it."

Window Quotes: "Sometimes I feel like I've got my nose pressed up against the window of a bakery, only I'm the bread."

Sometimes I feel like I've got my nose pressed up against the window of a bakery, only I'm the bread.

Window Quotes: "When you peered into the windows of someone else's life, you could only guess what was going on."

When you peered into the windows of someone else's life, you could only guess what was going on.

Window Quotes: "Looking out of a hospital window is different from looking out of any other. Somehow you do not see outside."

Looking out of a hospital window is different from looking out of any other. Somehow you do not see outside.

Window Quotes: "The proper artistic response to digital technology is to embrace it as a new window on everything thats eternally human, and to use it with passion, wisdom, fearlessness and joy"

The proper artistic response to digital technology is to embrace it as a new window on everything thats eternally human, and to use it with passion, wisdom, fearlessness and joy

Window Quotes: "Stop the blame game. Stop! Stop looking out the window and look in the mirror!"

Stop the blame game. Stop! Stop looking out the window and look in the mirror!

Window Quotes: "I seem to have always one little window looking but into life."

I seem to have always one little window looking but into life.

Window Quotes: "I opened the window and my heart. The sun flooded my house and Love flooded my soul."

I opened the window and my heart. The sun flooded my house and Love flooded my soul.

Window Quotes: "When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced."

When kids are young, before the age of ten, there is a critical window of opportunity when their habits and motivations can be influenced.

Window Quotes: "Stirless, I stand at the window, and in the black bowl of the sky glows like a golden drop of honey the mellow moon"

Stirless, I stand at the window, and in the black bowl of the sky glows like a golden drop of honey the mellow moon

Window Quotes: "Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting."

Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting.

Window Quotes: "Despite having seen a fair amount of the world, I still love travelling - I just have an insatiable curiosity and like looking out of a window."

Despite having seen a fair amount of the world, I still love travelling - I just have an insatiable curiosity and like looking out of a window.

Window Quotes: "What surprises you in life? The marvel of consciousness -- that sudden window swinging open on a sunlit landscape amidts the night of non-being."

What surprises you in life? The marvel of consciousness -- that sudden window swinging open on a sunlit landscape amidts the night of non-being.

Window Quotes: "Web applications will become more and more ubiquitous throughout our human environment, with walls, automobile dashboards, refrigerator doors all serving as displays giving us a window onto the Web."

Web applications will become more and more ubiquitous throughout our human environment, with walls, automobile dashboards, refrigerator doors all serving as displays giving us a window onto the Web.

Window Quotes: "Harvard was an extraordinary window on the world."

Harvard was an extraordinary window on the world.