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T. S. Eliot Quotes: And all shall be well and/ All manner of thing shall be well/ By the purification of the motive/ In the ground of our beseeching

And all shall be well and/ All manner of thing shall be well/ By the purification of the motive/ In the ground of our beseeching

T. S. Eliot
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"T. S. Eliot Quotes." Quoteslyfe.com, 2024. Wed. 26 Jun. 2024. <https://www.quoteslyfe.com/quote/And-all-shall-be-well-and-All-1091621>.

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April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.

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The journey, Not the destination matters.

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Quote Description

This page presents the quote "And all shall be well and/ All manner of thing shall be well/ By the purification of the motive/ In the ground of our beseeching". Author of this quote is T. S. Eliot. This quote is about purification, motive, quartets,.