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Novala Takemoto Quotes: Lolitas do not recognize any authority. They follow only the values they have chosen for themselves, regardless of what anybody might say.

Lolitas do not recognize any authority. They follow only the values they have chosen for themselves, regardless of what anybody might say.

Novala Takemoto
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"Novala Takemoto Quotes." Quoteslyfe.com, 2024. Mon. 01 Jul. 2024. <https://www.quoteslyfe.com/quote/Lolitas-do-not-recognize-any-authority-They-931774>.

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I am anti-social and have a dark personality. I have no redeeming qualties and nothing to offer, therefore I could never have what I wanted

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In my life I doubt if I will ever forget the sensation of your lips against mine

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Quote Description

This page presents the quote "Lolitas do not recognize any authority. They follow only the values they have chosen for themselves, regardless of what anybody might say.". Author of this quote is Novala Takemoto. This quote is about values, authority, might, chosen,.