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Jason Mewes Quotes: No, I don't have an agent. I'm hoping to get one soon.

No, I don't have an agent. I'm hoping to get one soon.

Jason Mewes
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"Jason Mewes Quotes." Quoteslyfe.com, 2024. Fri. 05 Jul. 2024. <https://www.quoteslyfe.com/quote/No-I-don-t-have-an-agent-694936>.


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Other quotes of Jason Mewes

I definitely would like to do something serious. Not like a love story, but serious like maybe a gangster or a mobster. A gang or a mob movie would be great.

I definitely would like to do something serious. Not like a love story, but serious like maybe a gangster or a mobster. A gang or a mob movie would be great.

I don't think anyone's ever thought I was a drug dealer.

I don't think anyone's ever thought I was a drug dealer.

I'm more into the Spawn toys. They're really cool. They're coming out with a Techno Spawn series and another series, The Dark Ages, which are really cool.

I'm more into the Spawn toys. They're really cool. They're coming out with a Techno Spawn series and another series, The Dark Ages, which are really cool.

I don't really pay attention to the filmmaker thing.

I don't really pay attention to the filmmaker thing.

I love comics. All I've been doing is reading every day, sitting in the house. Because I've not been feeling too good, so I've been reading and reading.

I love comics. All I've been doing is reading every day, sitting in the house. Because I've not been feeling too good, so I've been reading and reading.

I'm getting Puppetmasters, too. They're one of my favorites. And they're coming out with new Puppetmasters. I try not to get everything, but I want so much.

I'm getting Puppetmasters, too. They're one of my favorites. And they're coming out with new Puppetmasters. I try not to get everything, but I want so much.

I'm a big toy collector. I've been slowing down because my money's been tight, but I collect toys, too.

I'm a big toy collector. I've been slowing down because my money's been tight, but I collect toys, too.

And then after a while he got me a job at the video store next door. I used to lock up the store and go next door and hang out all the time and watch movies and stuff.

And then after a while he got me a job at the video store next door. I used to lock up the store and go next door and hang out all the time and watch movies and stuff.

I did some school plays in elementary school, but that was it.

I did some school plays in elementary school, but that was it.

It was a lot of fun doing the Nike commercials, too.

It was a lot of fun doing the Nike commercials, too.

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Quote Description

This page presents the quote "No, I don't have an agent. I'm hoping to get one soon.". Author of this quote is Jason Mewes. This quote is about agents,.